Saturday, December 19, 2009

how does it feel being a loose sting on a quilt the size of every thing

so im going to say how i got hte feeling than the feeling i got and what my experice is like.

so this was a challange becuase for me atlest i felt a differance between thinking and feeling ok when i die or even living would matter. so i got to look at some thing that would make me feel and thinking just has me thinking so i need to feel some thing i can see and experence. so i looked out side and there is 3rd ave and i went in the train and started to think about this and i felt it. it was a sinking ,droping feeling like the feeling you get when your lost or when you try really hard on some thing and it just disaperas is gone. like thats the closes things like it but i nocite it is right in my chest to the left. i know th romans thought emtion came from the heart and i can see why it is so strong in that one area.also my knees feel weak like they are rusty like it is a werid feeling. like it changes as i think about it and feel it, this is a real funny feeling mostly it is a sorrow that is fluxing and changes it is never the same. which is funny beucase what is going on will never change. and then my reaction is to think how we are connected like every one who has ever exsited on this rock has seen the sun or felt it in some way. so like i have a quick way to react. this is really funny.

Monday, December 14, 2009

this is a good movie the centry of the self

this is not cool but talks about how marketing is used to control poeple. still it talks about freuds ideas and how they been used to control the masses

Sunday, December 13, 2009

selling the cool

seeking attione or trying to find approval are the mager strngs or corde that the companys use to control us, that there are probly others but this is a big one. if we where puppets the seeking approval string would probly control our backs or how our heads move. is it wroung to seek attione, well it can be annoying at times how extream it is. but is it bad ofcorse it depends to how extream but i think it would be viewed less bad if it wasnt so controllable. anohter thing that comes up is the klunky or klumsy when some one is trying really hard to get attoine i noctie this feeling that they are klusmy that it is like there falling down and they can only pick them selves up. also how our cultuer focus so much on it is seemed really funnny that it is deemed unhealthy. to seem like your not trying is deemed as cool and ads try that with almost seeming like "look we didnt take time to get a camera that didnt shake for this commerical" or "the spiecal effects look like some one just wrote on the camera". this is this look how unklunky we are for almost all aspects of cool also how well they play an arctype in a differnt way so to sell stuff to poeple they will have storys like how the person is trying to reach the product and boom they get it transformation now they are the shit. most of the time they are younge poeple playing these chaters in these 20 second storys, music, movies and book. i dont think it is just so get the attione of the poeple who share the same age but mostly for peole who want to be that age. it attachs younger and older aducances who want to be 17 or 18 years old. they are selling the age the prduct and the arche type all at once. this is powerfull that they control so much and can change so much it is complete control. so commericals and adveristment not only affect younge poeple but older too should it be illgeal i dont know but it is hurtiing tons of people and problyly our future this is like get shoved in to grave and all of these thigns are just pilling on more and more dirt that the coperations are throwing at us. this si going to make it harder people are going to loose a futher sense in reality and become more and mroe intralled in being a charter in there stories this is wroung that gerions of poeple are going to be suffering and leaving pointless lives becuase some one wants money. they turn things that where good and make them profitable by makeing them in to the preset acrche types that socity already has.should poeple even try to make music against this if it going to be turned to what they hate. well maybe they could for while and try to desroy it. it depnds on the person and how well they feel waether green piece of cotton with dead slave onwers faces on it are worth more than possibly make socity a better place. "but if this makes so much money how is it a bad thing? " eric asked me that just so i could make this point. poeple are dumb they will do any thing if it means they are cool or can fit in. this culture the ache types that are played out the most are the ones that ake the most money what chooses these arche types is probly socialton that is expericed thourgh growing up here. the companys say that if you want to be this achetype buy this, say this, eat this, fuck this and love this. for being the mid drift the consumer choices are the creitia we need to fill out to be that archtype and that story charter. companys have used this to control us and make life in to a exabtion presentaion.

Monday, December 7, 2009

person i think is cool in my family.

this is a person i think goes thorugh alot and can be mean some times but for how he handles alot at such a younge age i thnkis cool. also he gets me when i blab and blab on and on about crap. some times he can be dumb but it is not that he doesnt get it it is his fer ot act on it. and with me trowing all the shit at him he is still functioning. i asked him what does he think cool is and he said to be well liked be the center of attione and to have alot of friends. relaly basic and i tryed to make it deeper i asked. " what about haveing a lot of friends is cool or being the center of attione" he said well i dont know i think it is like in all the movies and stuff where the charters are the center of becuase the camera is looking at them and stuff. i mean i think it could , like other things i dont know."
i think he was getting at some thing with the movies and shows. i think he was probly trying to talk about archetypes. i think if we flush this idea out more and get to the real juices to it maybe he might have somethign really good to say. he got really far with just one question prepahps he thinks about this alot.

Monday, November 30, 2009

posts of othgers

think it is cute and i can see you love the animals and it is cool to have animals like that. i bet you really liked ash from pokemon! and also i like your cool too!


if this person was some thing else i think they would be like water. they are very calm and never really try to make a big conflict and simply go with the flow and take the simple route. have you read the tao te ching or doa de jing( same thing just poepel say it differnt) but you said she didnt want to start a conflict. is this you on the train i know that feeling looking at the clock i really can connect here! great job

i think if any thing this is exposing some fundamental ideas you have about getting older and stuff you said to me before. i feel you think that life is defalteing as you get older remember the dreams you have where you are old. what does being old mean to you? becuase if your 17 or 18 feeling this how is it when your 49 or 78? also is a baby full of air does that mean potential? that once where older we get less roads for what ever reason?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

story read

is cool you? i notice what is considered cool is uslly the person like ali likes animals and always liked to tell me ways to destory the goverment and dyalns was about a kid who has a conflict with auothtive figuer and wins and surprises the person who si trying to stop them. and now thinking why wouldnt there idea of cool be them isnt that what they are sciving to be. i think that they have an idea of cool and want to be it becuase it is right or some other reason. i dont think it is bad but i think shows what this person wants to be and is a gret way to see how revile there vaules and better understand them.
what bothers me is when poeple say what the person has and that makes them cool. like saying the clothing i feel like that stuff is bought and if thats what is reviered and celbrated i think it is a big fundemental thing that is very materialistic and consumerist and shows how rooted it is in us. ali jo said it best that "it is like a shopping list"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

story of cool

they found a finger in a barbecue i think it was mine. a week ago it i lost it i don't remember much of that day. the news is all over it and they traced the meat back here. and now they are slowing the production lines till the lawyers and the news slowly forget about the kid. also they don't care to look to see who is missing a finger people are lost in here and most have lost there fingers any way no way of telling.
i get back to my spot and see the cadavers strung up and moving my way. they are like swinging swaying in the wind but there isn't any here. it is really slow today. I'm waiting and waiting. I'm doing what i always do why is it different now.

finally i grab it and it is cold as always. do the same thing use the saw and cut down from the center and pull out.cut down from the center and pull out. cut down from the center and pull out. i notice the sound now it all seems louder ,slower and dirty than before. i here the screams and shrieks echo and they seem to to round the corners and hit me. they travel from where the belt starts and finally again hit me. i look at that chain and blood all mixed.the blood drips and i look in front of me.

i see my self. a reflection on this big container that i always thought where they put the garbage or the stuff form the inside. then i look down the belt and see no one. and in front there is me then my other side no one. all is me and the cadavers on the chains. coming to me and seeing my self and i have the saw.look at the chain carrying all of them. i stand on the black conveyor belt and cut the chain. i don't know what I'm doing. i cut i feel the rattles and it feels.
the cadavers all fall nearly at the same time with a crash and the belt stooped the screams stopped it all stopped.

i looked around no one was there just me. so i left it and there really was no one.

Monday, November 16, 2009


well this is hard because I'm feeling that it is very broad and contradicting. at one point it is what is big having a boom box in the 80s and 90s was cool a lot people had them. so the idea of unique is thought to be but you have to be unique with all of us. but that doesn't make sense. maybe being unique is a new thing for makerters so commericals and people beilfes are conerdicting. also what is unique. like if i decided to dress like a dionsuar jesus that would be uniqe but not really acepted i think. is it the evolushtionary good for that time or the evormet they are in so like rich poeple are thought to have done some thing right which our culture teachs us( envorment)

is it the evolushtionary good for that time or the evormet they are in so like rich poeple are thought to have done some thing right which our culture teachs us (envorment kinda) and so if you look like you have lots of stuff it is cool. like many poeple are rich but dress poor becuase it is like i can afford to look this poor. i had a better line i think for that. i mean it is all conrdicting and poeple have differnt ones depending where you go. if i was japanese in america during ww2 that wouldnt be cool but now it is cool.
will spell cheack if finsh math project in time

art project write up

is your art a hammer or a mirror?
well if we ever get it working i think that it is kind of both where we have the mirror (me) and the hammer (russlle)showing whats wrong and saying this has to change.
2.) does your art make you theel and fink?
well i was theeling that this is funny but it is not done i think it needs more and it would be nice to keep it going and go do other things.
3.)What was the most interesting aspect of your making of the art?
well it was really fun acting like that i felt like i was getting back and makeing a stand to some thng that is dumb and not acknowledge that much. i hope it can finally go on im excited to see it my self and to see reactions.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

in this comsumer capltist socity we live in we are told porlby from day one "there is supply and demand" if you supply and no one buys it your are screwed and no one buys your thing so you need the demand. so in this the power is in the demand and who controls that the market. and this new digtal world is now a better way to further controls the demand. poeple are marketed items to futher be marketed too. it is like buying space in your house to put bill roads on. deisres are munpilated through roles that we are expected to play. such as guy are expeted to look big and rape like traits so they buy sport things and exerices to make them bigger.these expections play into what they buy and the demands so we see this in commericals and products we buy such as movies, comicsand even stories we here when we are younge. digaltion has become a great tool to reaforce these vuales and further control poeple and consumers.

growing up i loved dinosuars t-rex was my favoirt and how could i not love that gaint beast of death. it was the big great charter in most dinosuar movies t-rex is the main focus and was even the red ranger (from power rangers ) dinosuar was the t-rex! how could i not like it i was at every point almost convinced to like this perticualr animal! now thinking back this was desinghed i was a desinger consumer cow. like cows i was fed only one thing and had a planned growth to a praticler market. it wasnt just me i feel like any one who has been exposed to digtal or other forms like that has probly been hearded. now it goes further i wanted to be like t-rex my favoirt food was steak i wanted to be t-rex! now this also how my diet was controled. but it keeps going as a boy i needed to like sports for most my life i have been having sprots thworn down my throt like many other people.teams are not teams like the school team or a group of freinds they are a company owned by some one. guys are told to care and put there lives around companys playing games. told to like tha best players they where all men who where trying to hit white balls as far as they can with there stick.use the freudian thinking here.but here since i happen to have a penis i must abid by the these roles and do really stuipid and meaningless shit. i would love to do a girl prepective but im not a girl so i cant but i can say what i went thorugh. now i first stoped buying meat becuase i think saw some thing where the us goverment gave group of poeple a ton of rice to get there poilt back and he said " well now i know how much im worth" i was thinking ok well how much is any person worth i thought priceless there should be no money amount to a person then i thought to body parts and i thought i was all priceless.i stoped buying meat and soon i stoped eating it. ali jo soon followed now when i say dont eat meat i as a guy people feel i didnt do that out of care for my colon or small intestantes i did it becuase ali did it and i did it so can get the girl.many occastions people feel i did it becuase of ali and as a guy there is no other reason woemn are viewed as done to earth and vegitable like and men must be animal killers and rape the cows to tenderise and love meat since it is man! see it is dumb but we play in to it and buy things to make us more of our gender like work out stuff to be stonger. we all compisate for these insane impossible to reach fantasys by buying stuff to (we hope) hopefully get us there.

now we allhave poeple or charters we look up to. for me it is michio kaku ,batman and maybe lao zi ( not sure yet)but all these poeple have met some role i hope to have in my self that a big media concollmert has put there. the scienctist ! the super phyically and mentallly perfect batman! and the wisdom and all around coolness. now i have bought tons of batman toys (even at 18) i bought all of michio books and a shirt and books with a concept that lao zi created tao (or doa what ever uncraves your block) what im trying to say is that i have been given vaules and picked heros and those heros are marketed to me. thus i consume and keep the ball rolling. now this is happening for tons of people mostly the hannah montanna poeple. in her song party in the usa she makes tons of adversiements to other music poeple and says she likes this song. this wouldnt be so bad but she has a religous following cerals, vitmans , clothing, toys, games and funiture all with her face on it becuase she is a hero to many people. so when she said i like that jayz song so did all her fans. she says she likes these shoes cars now do her fans. she is a mass hearder and like a sheep dog derictes the sheep where to go and like that poeple have become even more farmed. then there are heoic ideas like the cow boy and rodin samurai. they are commercalized so much poeple like miyamoto musashi. the alone indivual trying to make it there own not told by any one! this indivualism is now at a core to american marketers. we are told in tons od commericals it is i and not we . tons of new custom stuff that arejut for us such as tatooes and customs shoes, cloths and hats there are now tons and tons of new things so we could show how speical we are and like every one else but like no one else. but like them. it is werid and doesnt make sense once you think about it. this to me goes in to freedom becuase we are like a hamster chashing a carrot haning in front of us while we are on to a bright colored wheel and never reaching it. so how are we free? we can never reach it and we are stuck in a cage of roles and if we to leave it is a big open scary place .

so what does this mean about us as americans nd people are we going to be stuck here forever just being played like some perverted chess game. if so how far is this game taken just to buying stuff or is this form of munpilation used in other forms. this idea of consumerisum as spilled over. we see poeple treat polotics like they are buying some one this causes polotians to act like products. poeple like bill clinton and tony blari created focus groups to find out what people wanted. what thse groups came up with was less taxs more stuff. like how poeple will buy products more b ang for your buck. and what did they want those taxs to be used for for america it was v chips to prevent what childern watch to make sure they dont look at porn. so instead of having better schools for the kids or stafer streets they put htat money to haveing chips in which they can control what porn they want there kid to see. this is all futher ways of control where consumersim is now hearding movign the way we want to shape goverment. so imagin this we are early controlled through this if poeple think that they are getting less any one could do any thing. we are becoming like a heard that will go away where just by making an irrantional yell. law makers and big bussnesses are getting away with alot and consumers and citzens feel helpless and we should but cant we do some thing about that.

Friday, November 6, 2009

more revised

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

in this comsumer capltist socity we live in we are told porlby from day one "there is supply and demand" if you supply and no one buys it your are screwed and no one buys your thing so you need the demand. so in this the power is in the demand and who controls that the market. and this new digtal world is now a better way to further controls the demand. poeple are marketed items to futher be marketed too. it is like buying space in your house to put bill roads on. deisres are munpilated through roles that we are expected to play. such as guy are expeted to look big and rape like traits so they buy sport things and exerices to make them bigger.these expections play into what they buy and the demands so we see this in commericals and products we buy such as movies, comicsand even stories we here when we are younge. digaltion has become a great tool to reaforce these vuales and further control poeple and consumers.

growing up i loved dinosuars t-rex was my favoirt and how could i not love that gaint beast of death. it was the big great charter in most dinosuar movies t-rex is the main focus and was even the red ranger (from power rangers ) dinosuar was the t-rex! how could i not like it i was at every point almost convinced to like this perticualr animal! now thinking back this was desinghed i was a desinger consumer cow. like cows i was fed only one thing and had a planned growth to a praticler market. it wasnt just me i feel like any one who has been exposed to digtal or other forms like that has probly been hearded. now it goes further i wanted to be like t-rex my favoirt food was steak i wanted to be t-rex! now this also how my diet was controled. but it keeps going as a boy i needed to like sports for most my life i have been having sprots thworn down my throt like many other people.teams are not teams like the school team or a group of freinds they are a company owned by some one. guys are told to care and put there lives around companys playing games. told to like tha best players they where all men who where trying to hit white balls as far as they can with there stick.use the freudian thinking here.but here since i happen to have a penis i must abid by the these roles and do really stuipid and meaningless shit. i would love to do a girl prepective but im not a girl so i cant but i can say what i went thorugh. now i first stoped buying meat becuase i think saw some thing where the us goverment gave group of poeple a ton of rice to get there poilt back and he said " well now i know how much im worth" i was thinking ok well how much is any person worth i thought priceless there should be no money amount to a person then i thought to body parts and i thought i was all priceless.i stoped buying meat and soon i stoped eating it. ali jo soon followed now when i say dont eat meat i as a guy people feel i didnt do that out of care for my colon or small intestantes i did it becuase ali did it and i did it so can get the girl.many occastions people feel i did it becuase of ali and as a guy there is no other reason woemn are viewed as done to earth and vegitable like and men must be animal killers and rape the cows to tenderise and love meat since it is man! see it is dumb but we play in to it and buy things to make us more of our gender like work out stuff to be stonger. we all compisate for these insane impossible to reach fantasys by buying stuff to (we hope) hopefully get us there.

now we allhave poeple or charters we look up to. for me it is michio kaku ,batman and maybe lao zi ( not sure yet)but all these poeple have met some role i hope to have in my self that a big media concollmert has put there. the scienctist ! the super phyically and mentallly perfect batman! and the wisdom and all around coolness. now i have bought tons of batman toys (even at 18) i bought all of michio books and a shirt and books with a concept that lao zi created tao (or doa what ever uncraves your block) what im trying to say is that i have been given vaules and picked heros and those heros are marketed to me. thus i consume and keep the ball rolling. now this is happening for tons of people mostly the hannah montanna poeple. in her song party in the usa she makes tons of adversiements to other music poeple and says she likes this song. this wouldnt be so bad but she has a religous following cerals, vitmans , clothing, toys, games and funiture all with her face on it becuase she is a hero to many people. so when she said i like that jayz song so did all her fans. she says she likes these shoes cars now do her fans. she is a mass hearder and like a sheep dog derictes the sheep where to go and like that poeple have become even more farmed. then there are heoic ideas like the cow boy and rodin samurai. they are commercalized so much poeple like miyamoto musashi. the alone indivual trying to make it there own not told by any one! this indivualism is now at a core to american marketers. we are told in tons od commericals it is i and not we . tons of new custom stuff that arejut for us such as tatooes and customs shoes, cloths and hats there are now tons and tons of new things so we could show how speical we are and like every one else but like no one else. but like them. it is werid and doesnt make sense once you think about it. this to me goes in to freedom becuase we are like a hamster chashing a carrot haning in front of us while we are on to a bright colored wheel and never reaching it. so how are we free? we can never reach it and we are stuck in a cage of roles and if we to leave it is a big open scary place . so is this even freedom?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

revised a bit

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

in this comsumer capltist socity we live in we are told porlby from day one "there is supply and demand" if you supply and no one buys it your are screwed and no one buys your thing so you need the demand. so in this the power is in the demand and who controls that the market. and this new digtal world is now a better way to further controls the demand. poeple are marketed items to futher be marketed too. it is like buying space in your house to put bill roads on. deisres are munpilated through roles that we are expected to play. such as guy are expeted to look big and rape like traits so they buy sport things and exerices to make them bigger.these expections play into what they buy and the demands so we see this in commericals and products we buy such as movies, comicsand even stories we here when we are younge. digaltion has become a great tool to reaforce these vuales and further control poeple and consumers.

growing up i loved dinosuars t-rex was my favoirt and how could i not love that gaint beast of death. it was the big great charter in most dinosuar movies t-rex is the main focus and was even the red ranger (from power rangers ) dinosuar was the t-rex! how could i not like it i was at every point almost convinced to like this perticualr animal! now thinking back this was desinghed i was a desinger consumer cow. like cows i was fed only one thing and had a planned growth to a praticler market. it wasnt just me i feel like any one who has been exposed to digtal or other forms like that has probly been hearded. now it goes further i wanted to be like t-rex my favoirt food was steak i wanted to be t-rex! now this also how my diet was controled. but it keeps going as a boy i needed to like sports for most my life i have been having sprots thworn down my throt like many other people.teams are not teams like the school team or a group of freinds they are a company owned by some one. guys are told to care and put there lives around companys playing games. told to like tha best players they where all men who where trying to hit white balls as far as they can with there stick.use the freudian thinking here.but here since i happen to have a penis i must abid by the these roles and do really stuipid and meaningless shit. i would love to do a girl prepective but im not a girl so i cant but i can say what i went thorugh. now i first stoped buying meat becuase i think saw some thing where the us goverment gave group of poeple a ton of rice to get there poilt back and he said " well now i know how much im worth" i was thinking ok well how much is any person worth i thought priceless there should be no money amount to a person then i thought to body parts and i thought i was all priceless.i stoped buying meat and soon i stoped eating it. ali jo soon followed now when i say dont eat meat i as a guy people feel i didnt do that out of care for my colon or small intestantes i did it becuase ali did it and i did it so can get the girl.many occastions people feel i did it becuase of ali and as a guy there is no other reason woemn are viewed as done to earth and vegitable like and men must be animal killers and rape the cows to tenderise and love meat since it is man! see it is dumb but we play in to it and buy things to make us more of our gender like work out stuff to be stonger. we all compisate for these insane impossible to reach fantasys by buying stuff to (we hope) hopefully get us there.

now we allhave poeple or charters we look up to. for me it is michio kaku ,batman and maybe lao zi ( not sure yet)but all these poeple have met some role i hope to have in my self that a big media concollmert has put there. the scienctist ! the super phyically and mentallly perfect batman! and the wisdom and all around coolness. now i have bought tons of batman toys (even at 18) i bought all of michio books and a shirt and books with a concept that lao zi created tao (or doa what ever uncraves your block) what im trying to say is that i have been given vaules and picked heros and those heros are marketed to me. thus i consume and keep the ball rolling. now this is happening for tons of people mostly the hannah montanna poeple. in her song party in the usa she makes tons of adversiements to other music poeple and says she likes this song. this wouldnt be so bad but she has a religous following cerals, vitmans , clothing, toys, games and funiture all with her face on it becuase she is a hero to many people. so when she said i like that jayz song so did all her fans. she says she likes these shoes cars now do her fans. she is a mass hearder and like a sheep dog derictes the sheep where to go and like that poeple have become even more farmed.

need help organzining

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

paper rough

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

in this comsumer capltist socity we live in we are told porlby from day one "there is supply and demand" if you supply and no one buys it your are screwed and no one buys your thing so you need the demand. so in this the power is in the demand and who controls that the market. and this new digtal world is now a better way to further controls the demand. poeple are marketed items to futher be marketed too. it is like buying space in your house to put bill roads on. deisres are munpilated through roles that we are expected to play. such as guy are expeted to look big and rape like traits so they buy sport things and exerices to make them bigger.these ecpections play into what they buy and the demands so we see this in commericals and products we buy such as movies, comicsand even stories we here when we are younge. all these excpets play in to being better ad more efishent consumers

need help organzining

Monday, November 2, 2009

for got this one too

wow damns well great job i love that you connected to the disembodyment and how books and screens are the same thing but in differnt ages like i would be sending you letters with a feathered pen and would have a wax seal but now it is "posts" web pages emails and such. also your realative great job.
oh also how these companys make money on games you already bought they sell you expanstions on games that you could get on you game computer device so they make more money on games you ready bought. alsoi was thinking that the tv shows now a days kinda a show what poepe waht in there lives drama, money, sex and lots of shit. maybe they are getting more and more to what consumers want there lives to be like. do you think the internet and these things are being used as tools to get peopel to buy shit like we eat them. is this form of media more effective then any else right now? right now im listening to music and doing this so i dont know that nice. prepahps these things are on the tv to have poeple buy these games. oh like that new hannah montanna song in 55 seconds she made like adversitments to all these other singers colths cars dances all these thins could the internet be helping that?
sorry for all the questions but great job hope to read more.

i owed this i forgot to post it newer stuff is below

i like your last sentence it really wraps up all your ideas and what does this matter if know one really does any thing. also how anderson and johnson are both looking at the same thing but takeing away differnt aspects away from this one event. (i like that you brought up spock)

i agree with you that there are differnces that anderson is saying wake up look!!!! and johnsons point i think is vaild but can be somed up quickly that internet and computers are tools and can be used to map up the galaxy clusters or draw an ass hole out of pics of poeple you dont like. but i think most of this books and computers is a fight against disembodyment. i dont know how ot spell it but i hope you know what i mean. like reading in the bath room . but i do it to hopefully learn but it turns in to trying to live my body becuase im next to a stinky litter box and in a ever increseing stinky bath room. maybe it is not learning is what im trying to do but it is an option it is a tool and i can choose (i hope) weather to face my shit or read about atoms.
i think that andersons call is like that guy saying the british are coming! i dont think it was really paul revier. but it isa an atment to make people understand. i mean even getting one person to wake up i think is some thing but now his book is being mass produced to teens and they dont see it i can see why you feel it is like why bother.
good you kick ass as always hope to see more!

to the theieis

i like your alot very focused but i hope mine could be as organzied. what i'm wondering is what did you mean by better?and is it teenagers and do we have really bad attention spans? i think we can focus there but i like it i feel the invisble puppet master here. i love how you said digtal things are like drugs great comparsion they are used the same way and marketed the same way. maybe you can say how we are loosing our selves like in feed and being put in to a little bubble.useing only these plastic objects to talk and interact inside the bubbles. i like this and i want to read your paper now. good luck

Saturday, October 31, 2009

out line

* the idea im trying to get across is that we are being raised to be consumers and like cattle we are farmed hered in forms of what to buy and our roles in socity.

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

intro: i want to say how digtalztion has become the storngist and more dominate becuase it is a dirceted consumer techknowlgy meanign there is no commericals no waiting for shows to go on you go and get what you want. and in a age where desire are more controlling then needs this can be used to controll and at the same time loose control but to stop from loosing control. and in what ways are we being controled.

1.) roles.) since we are younge we are given roles from what we eat to (ex every one assumes ali made me not eat meat any more becuase guys are suppose to like meat and steak and shit that will kill them.) how guys must be strong be able to rape people and rapest traits are favored my men and women. also with that we become easyier to sell to becuse we are more likely to buy to prove shitty roles. and look like some thing that has been shoved down our thortsever sine we where little (transforming a rape cultuer) in what ways is the didtalztion pushing this on us.
2.) heros and last person that should say that to you. poeple who kids and adults look up to and want to be adversies some times suttly or loudly other things so we could further be indoctined. we all want to be our heros or try to be so when they say some thing poeple would be more likely to like that too. and but likeing that they are now learning there roles quicker and become better consumers.(ex hannah montanna, rappers that adverstiese the american dream, wreaslers who advertise) the heros poeple like are usally just good farm animals if you could imagine. how is all this digital going to put this in to hyper drive
3.) what then? where fucked but how bad. exsample of how lies and how our freedoms are being taken much have we been messed up. ex( the expeted terriost, the exstance of alqueda, how law makers are getting away with alot.)( how helpless people feel) the way potlical partys are shaping reality ex( dinosours with saddles. ban of books.) death panles and rating. information polluition regreate bull shit.

Monday, October 26, 2009

how is this helping us.

this is intersting. this is a differnt view then i have usally heard. ive seen things like how games where ypu shoot things are good before you take a test. but never that the whole internet and digtal revoultion is good. i mean now i think about it i learned alot thourgh tv and th internet that alot of poeple would say are meaningfull but there is a more to it then what i have read od steven johnsons book so far. i agree that what poeple are doing now is alot more complex and demanding then before and requires alot know how to lets say make an email or create a web site. but i think a good analogy of this is poeple are putting thougter a gaint jig saw puzzle to make a picter of donkey balls. like it is complex but what most poeple are doing with this comlex process is for dumb stuff. for exsample i know a large percent of the internet is porn i think 5 percent. im not sure but to have 5% of the whole internet be any one thing is alot and it is not a smart thing that poeple look up and use the complex machines to find complex things to further understand and learn in the world we are in no they use the coplex machine to get off to some pictures of naked people.
this is like feed where poeple are using a massive interconnected mental networking device to talk about some show or some stupid product they where told to get. like it is complex it takes an understanding of alot to get and have a net work like feed does like the internet today but how poeple use it is bad. like if titus used it to look up some thing like tibeten medatation and try it and learn some thing but he didnt and didnt even want to he was more concerned about his up car or the lesons. also i think that people need to see how to use the inernt all most like maybe have ways we could filter it and use it for good things to make us smarter, nicer aware, better people.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

make my own

algory observations
what i thing anderson did was to make a frame that would hold his message. for animal farm a story of a pig and in this one a story of a boys life in thsi world and the tragery in voilet. but the real guts is in what vouilet says and the setting which i think paint a great picture of andersons message instead of saying it blatenly. i would like to do this for my message but i dont know how and if i tryed i might suck at it and give it away or never getting it clear enough. i would like to do that insteaad of a paper i've tons of papers for classes never a peice of art i think it would be chllanging and fun but i think it will take alot of time to make it right. if i where to make it it would be better to make sotry then just a picture im better at drawing than writing. but it would be nice to make a story and allagory that i would like and teach people stuff and message i would like poeple to understand. see if i where to do it i would need help making it so poepel would get my message and it to be in english.

Monday, October 19, 2009


feed was a great aloagory to todays very digital and desperie world. over all the constant tragey that we live in. from the langue the fashions he very distorted vuales that our socoity holds. voilet charter i think is the one to connect our word and theres and some times i was thinking of that this was not a trying to parrple but was talking idmeataly about our world and wasnt dressed up in the alagory suit. this line when voilet is talking about music on page 101" music is marketing. they have list of key changes that get thirtee n year olds screaming . there is no differnce between a song and an advertising jingle anymore. " this line was said by voilet and was just like today where there is no exessgresstion like how anderson descirbes the envorment is not so much like to day but i think is more of a warning how for exsample the oceans will be how we treat it contuies .when tius and voilet go to the beach they have to wear hazard suits. so some connections i think are right on the target others arent but are not trying to be.
the traeeryi think are well done and almost every one in this book is a tragery like voilets father who had been deformed from a techknowlgy that he hates. also how he seems to be one of the poeple seeing every thing go to shit and no one listens or cares and even voilet wants " to hide him in a closet." how when hearig titus dad was coming i thought ok the old world is here and some thign that would be good o see and set his ass striaght. and no his dad was just like him. the tragies in this are alot and keep going. one very vivd image was when the clerk was talking about how heused the spot light and saw " blck goo" that soon turned in to rochets that coverd there homes. i think that this is our lives the whole mess. how there is this unwilling and unknowing how the feed is controlling every one and them selves.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


i think you have a great exsample of life in the digtal and how every thing we do is some how suplmented by some thing digtal.

what i notice was you where always mutitaksing for most of it. like talking to some one while in the computer on the i pod while doign home work. i think you did a ever honest view in to this. also when you said it looked natrual it does i mean for alot of poeple i think it is alot like what it is with you. ( soy milk taste great!) i never had it with that ceral though. any way i think you where right that this does make a unnatrual view on some thing we are looking to see if how it is natrually so it is self defeating but out of most i saw yours looked the most natural you didnt seem to know the camera was there and thats great if i had to giev you an award it would be to have the most natural looking video in the world.
i like you pointeded out how you felt about the digtal things that it isnt as bad but i would say like i dont do as much as my brothe which he does is like 10 hours so i mean just becuase it is not as much i dont think it is good. i dont know your brother or mothers times but i mean i dont know what ever works for you.
i liked you video alot and thanks for not stareing at the camera like i did for a while and you rock.
October 3, 2009 9:34 AM

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ooo!!!!oo!

Untitled from ian garica on Vimeo.

* What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?

well i laughing was my first reaction. i realized i was multitasking alot and i couldnt just sit there. also how i mae phyiscal reactions to stuff happening in a fake world like i leaned in alot and got upset to a game so it has real effects from a fake thing.

When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?
sad like im sitting there for hours doing nothing really moving my fingers really fast and cursing at a screen. so i think it sucks i could be doing some thing else like running some where or createing things but i didnt i sat down looked at a screen and got stressed out. also now thinking so many other poeple do te same thing i was playing with people doing thr same thing prepahps longer. i just think i need some thing better to do with my time.

Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
well no i relly wouldnt but i think it is going to get worse prephaps people will teach classes and work just on the screens and do everything from a computer. so would it be a disadvatage if i did that to them? my brother already spends wholes days on the computer so it might bhe working for him i dont know but i dont think so.

What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?
well the drd is running haveing fun jumping and geting shot at in some alien world with a bunch of other people. im sitting on my ass leaning back and forward gettting angry. so i think it is like im living a meaning full life on the screen and in real life not living a real life. so it is like by me playing these games i become as meaningless as them and the game charter becomes meaningfull.

What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?
well yeah and no we will be moving and be part of it but it might turn in to a poeple haveing just a day on the wii and not really interacting with poeple thourgh the wii. now microsoft is makeing a new systeam like a wii but there is a person that will interact with you it and you will be having a virtal friend thing and play by your self maybe with poeple but it is a shame that we are now living life thorugh these computers. here a link to that natal thing

time spet on the internet and digtal things the others

time spent on the inerent seems to have increaed alot since all these old people are always saying "well back in mt day" so how much more are poeple spending on the computer to others thigns like work, shopping , playing and other things. also how could this be effecting there social lives?

i found this chart showing time on the interent and how it may increase in social isolstion. prephaps the old poeple are sayign back in my day we would be alone for so many hours on a machine. it is not being out side as much as to being alone in a room looking at pictures of things. also this web site compares the internet things people do to other things like work here is a chart about the social isolustion.

i got this from

another worry poeple have is that this isoulation have an impilaction on there social well being and if they are being prepaped for aspects in life that will come later or adult lives. this makes sense and that they are compareing thier own child hood to they kids of today.

i went to yahoo answers and got this for the question The internet is harmful to children?

You should also add the inability to socialise in person, or deal with 'real life' encounters, brave behind the keyboard but not learning to interact in a meaningful non abbreviated way with fellow human beings.

Of course that really cant be said for all teens who use the internet but you could add it to your list of reasons.

OH- that kids have no patience anymore- everything is 'instant', there is no researching or waiting.... they just go to yahoo answers or sites like wikipedia for instant info...;p

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

how the digtal effects interview

i would like to note that my brother is soooo fucking drawn to his computer he doesn't know I'm here i made noise and still he is oblivious to me or where i am. i want to interview him because he is what i feel is what happens when the digital repersention goes wrong.

me: how do you feel about the digitization on people why do you send all night on a computer whats up!?

eric um i spend all night i don't know why i got nothing else better to do. and why people do i dont know they stay up looking for stuff finding

is that what you do?

eric: well yeah

ian: so your nurteral with digitization

eric: yeah
ian: well why what makes is good and bad and where would you say you are scale in over doing it. and you know what are some things you would make good if you could.

ericoh i never thought what was good i just knew it was.i guees wher sharing ideas and fashion. and some damn oh im sorry. ummm share ( put cat on lap). for your other question i would say im on the scale of being over digitalized as a 9 or a 8.5 probly a 7 on a scale of 10 being the highest. and how to make them good crap i dont know im stumped.

ian: should we just drop it then since theres no good and we cant make any good as you said kinda.

eric: well no because i think theres i uh i dont uh. we can share

ok stop do you feel it is ruining our culture where instead of meeting this person we just ask to be there friend or there some super far way trinket that would of needed to be found and have a story is now a click away. is it ruining culture and making every thing no longer authentic.

eric: uh no but yeah thats a hard one. well you know you uh,

ian :ok do you feel that instead of meeting tribs who made these things and there was a real jounry to get an item or be some ones friend is now like just a click away and is taking away expericeces and replacing them?

eric: taking away there wroth is bad and there authenticity.and meaning but it depends as in before. maybe how things move and prepares buying from ebay will be just as good.

ian: seriously? going to a meet a person or going to japan or some thing to get a sword or some holy item will replaced by ebay.

eric: yeahhhhh no only i'm saying that maybe in the future going to web site will be like the new crazy thing

i got some werid answers and so i dont think they where really thought out though im going to do better i think with my mom. but i did get him to think.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

comments to others

this is to francesca:

hey Francesca well right off im going to say how digital world has changed how people not only see it but it is changed there lives is great i mean i really dont remember ever sending a letter in my life and how letters is now done threw the mail systeam are mostly advertisment or bills also i never got i letter really. no i did it was mt uncles idea for us to think that my grand ma was mailing us letters from the dead. any way i like how you showed how this all changed not really sure for the better i mean it is convient for you not to have to walk to a mail box but your out side and your right this convince is cause alot of things that were cruial to knowing (like to read a clock) do you feel this convinance has created it self to be more important then it really is? if people continue with this convince driven life styles how much more do you feel will be forgotten? i for instance cant do long divsion i never learned and now i use computers to do that for me also to spell for me if it can do that. oh and there is a law called moores law i think it says that computer power doubles every year. so your feeling every second is pretty acurrate. so great job i really got you perceive on this and i dont know lets see if people could survive lets take a bunch of people and trow them in a forest and see how it goes

this is to jacara:

hi jacaraara!
this is a great post, and i like that you kept adding more and more when you got more ideas. it's like a post in progress. that shows yuo have intracate thinking patterns.
i think your thesis is that we have evolved to become overly depedent on technology becuase we feel pressured to go in a certain direction. we fear that if we halt the progress then we will revert back to a primitive state and lose status.
this connects to moore's law which states that computer chips will double in power every 2 years. some poeple think this is a naturaly occuring law but others think it's a clever business strategy. moore's law would prove your point because it would show that manufacturers are stepping up the technolgy in order to maintain an image and also to make profit.
it would be intersting to hear you elaborate on what exactly you think would happen if we were to hit the brakes on technology. could you project 3 scenarios: going back to a more "amish" way of life, stopping where we are, and develping technology even further. i want to know what you think because i'm not sure what would happen in those cases.
i wonder how happy i would be if i kept all my appliances for the rest of my life and didn't upgrade them. i could probaby be very happy but i wonder if i would feel the pressure you are describing?
write more and keep expanding your thoughts!
hug! -ian

Sunday, September 13, 2009

digitalization (another draft)

well thinking about this whole thing i first think what is it like to be in the digital world whats going on? what i notice is i dont remember any moments like how i remember moments with real people. for exsample when play a video game i remember the story and some of the people i played with but i dont remember it like if i was with people in real life like where we ate where we went and even things said that in a game would be forgotten really soon. i notice we loose touch with whats going on with our selves like if sat on a chair for two hours i kinda notice " ok my legs asleep, im breathing thorough my nose, im blinking etc" but when watching a show or a game it seem you are not there any more but in what ever your eyes are watching. but there is some good such as the mass communication, i talked to people from spain, Australia, switzerland and Germany. i learned some things from these people some more useful then others but it is if i never ran in to playing a game with them. now i think about it alots been significant there was this kid in jersey that i convinced him that Einstein was mentally disabled and was really a mascot for a team of professors. and me and kyle got him to see how he is like really sadly not in touch with things that matter and i think 4 hours later he said he would read a book and decided it would be stiff. so there was good done there but that does not happen much. i think it is like sperateing people from whats going on in the world to another world where there is not much to bother you and every thing is working out in a better fashion where you dont get tierd from talking to 564643 poeple at once. you are allowed to be you but with out you.
what i mean by this is you can create a holographic identity for yourself without ever having to show your physical side. this is intersting becuase you are creating two different halves of your identiy. there's the "you" (or meat) self which you use to interact with the tangible world and the "you without you" that you use to live out concepts and fantasies. thanks for reading i love you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

