Sunday, December 13, 2009

selling the cool

seeking attione or trying to find approval are the mager strngs or corde that the companys use to control us, that there are probly others but this is a big one. if we where puppets the seeking approval string would probly control our backs or how our heads move. is it wroung to seek attione, well it can be annoying at times how extream it is. but is it bad ofcorse it depends to how extream but i think it would be viewed less bad if it wasnt so controllable. anohter thing that comes up is the klunky or klumsy when some one is trying really hard to get attoine i noctie this feeling that they are klusmy that it is like there falling down and they can only pick them selves up. also how our cultuer focus so much on it is seemed really funnny that it is deemed unhealthy. to seem like your not trying is deemed as cool and ads try that with almost seeming like "look we didnt take time to get a camera that didnt shake for this commerical" or "the spiecal effects look like some one just wrote on the camera". this is this look how unklunky we are for almost all aspects of cool also how well they play an arctype in a differnt way so to sell stuff to poeple they will have storys like how the person is trying to reach the product and boom they get it transformation now they are the shit. most of the time they are younge poeple playing these chaters in these 20 second storys, music, movies and book. i dont think it is just so get the attione of the poeple who share the same age but mostly for peole who want to be that age. it attachs younger and older aducances who want to be 17 or 18 years old. they are selling the age the prduct and the arche type all at once. this is powerfull that they control so much and can change so much it is complete control. so commericals and adveristment not only affect younge poeple but older too should it be illgeal i dont know but it is hurtiing tons of people and problyly our future this is like get shoved in to grave and all of these thigns are just pilling on more and more dirt that the coperations are throwing at us. this si going to make it harder people are going to loose a futher sense in reality and become more and mroe intralled in being a charter in there stories this is wroung that gerions of poeple are going to be suffering and leaving pointless lives becuase some one wants money. they turn things that where good and make them profitable by makeing them in to the preset acrche types that socity already has.should poeple even try to make music against this if it going to be turned to what they hate. well maybe they could for while and try to desroy it. it depnds on the person and how well they feel waether green piece of cotton with dead slave onwers faces on it are worth more than possibly make socity a better place. "but if this makes so much money how is it a bad thing? " eric asked me that just so i could make this point. poeple are dumb they will do any thing if it means they are cool or can fit in. this culture the ache types that are played out the most are the ones that ake the most money what chooses these arche types is probly socialton that is expericed thourgh growing up here. the companys say that if you want to be this achetype buy this, say this, eat this, fuck this and love this. for being the mid drift the consumer choices are the creitia we need to fill out to be that archtype and that story charter. companys have used this to control us and make life in to a exabtion presentaion.

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