Sunday, September 13, 2009

digitalization (another draft)

well thinking about this whole thing i first think what is it like to be in the digital world whats going on? what i notice is i dont remember any moments like how i remember moments with real people. for exsample when play a video game i remember the story and some of the people i played with but i dont remember it like if i was with people in real life like where we ate where we went and even things said that in a game would be forgotten really soon. i notice we loose touch with whats going on with our selves like if sat on a chair for two hours i kinda notice " ok my legs asleep, im breathing thorough my nose, im blinking etc" but when watching a show or a game it seem you are not there any more but in what ever your eyes are watching. but there is some good such as the mass communication, i talked to people from spain, Australia, switzerland and Germany. i learned some things from these people some more useful then others but it is if i never ran in to playing a game with them. now i think about it alots been significant there was this kid in jersey that i convinced him that Einstein was mentally disabled and was really a mascot for a team of professors. and me and kyle got him to see how he is like really sadly not in touch with things that matter and i think 4 hours later he said he would read a book and decided it would be stiff. so there was good done there but that does not happen much. i think it is like sperateing people from whats going on in the world to another world where there is not much to bother you and every thing is working out in a better fashion where you dont get tierd from talking to 564643 poeple at once. you are allowed to be you but with out you.
what i mean by this is you can create a holographic identity for yourself without ever having to show your physical side. this is intersting becuase you are creating two different halves of your identiy. there's the "you" (or meat) self which you use to interact with the tangible world and the "you without you" that you use to live out concepts and fantasies. thanks for reading i love you.


  1. I loved reading this, but what really struck me was the idea of "you without you". This is powerful in so many ways, not only as a haunting image but a scarily accurate depiction of our "digital" persona. The way you phrased it really eludes to the distinction between our "meat" selves and our "digital" selves. When one spends as much time on the internet as your brother, which facet of our identity becomes more real? This raises another question: what constitutes "real"? Should we discriminate between these two realms? What do we risk when we choose to live our lives on the internet?

    Bravo :). love you.

  2. Wow, this was really good. From the beginning I like how you don't capitalize the "i's" I feel like it helps to add to your tone. This post has got your character all over it.

    I noticed that you're getting at saying when we are being digital we don't really think, we are in a way, zombies. You went on to say that if we just sat down in a chair and did nothing we would be forced to notice the "natural things" I agree, do you think we do it because our minds need to be occupied? We've gotten so used to having our thumbs glued to something that we must reduce ourselves to thinking about our breathing.

    That point reminds me about how I feel when its quiet. Its like you can hear everything, it makes me think that maybe quiet is better. But then again I feel like I do my best work with my headphones on (as they are right now).

    I noticed that you said that through digital, things you talk to people all over the world. If this option wasn't possible would that bother you? If so then what would you do?

    I notice that the option that most video games give now to talk to and challange others who are online etc, but I never feel the urge to talk to these people. I just wanna play my game and get it over with. Bu the way you describe it makes it sound like it might be worth a try.

    I loved reading this and I look forward to more blogs from you.

  3. Ian don't forget to post your comments to other people. If you need help call my blog help line.

  4. Ian!
    I see that you took the time to go back and write a second draft of your thoughts :) I really enjoyed what you had to say and you bring up a few good points that I never really thought about myself. You are able to remember experiences you have with people (actual human people) more than experiences you have with screens and digitalized personalities. The Memories that are personal to you mean more than the ones that are not.

    Another interesting idea you bring up is that when humans are put in a situation where not much activity is happening, ill steal your example of sitting in a chair. Our mind tries to fight the fact that we are sitting in the chair, but it really only makes you think harder about that fact that you are in the chair, where as when you state at a screen you only notice that and nothing around you. You become alienated and almost zombie like. Although this is a really interesting point i would love to see you expand on it even more and relate it back to how it is involved with the fast paced world and the digital age. Why are our minds trained the the way they are? and do you think it has to do with the influence the media has on our everyday life?

    You touch down on the good and bad points of having technology in your life, how you admit to spending hours playing games but with out screens you would not be able to do some of the things that ultimately make you smarted like communicating with people across the world.

    Overall i really liked the points you brought up, next time i would double check your spelling, but then again it made it all the more original. :)
