Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ooo!!!!oo!

Untitled from ian garica on Vimeo.

* What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?

well i laughing was my first reaction. i realized i was multitasking alot and i couldnt just sit there. also how i mae phyiscal reactions to stuff happening in a fake world like i leaned in alot and got upset to a game so it has real effects from a fake thing.

When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?
sad like im sitting there for hours doing nothing really moving my fingers really fast and cursing at a screen. so i think it sucks i could be doing some thing else like running some where or createing things but i didnt i sat down looked at a screen and got stressed out. also now thinking so many other poeple do te same thing i was playing with people doing thr same thing prepahps longer. i just think i need some thing better to do with my time.

Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
well no i relly wouldnt but i think it is going to get worse prephaps people will teach classes and work just on the screens and do everything from a computer. so would it be a disadvatage if i did that to them? my brother already spends wholes days on the computer so it might bhe working for him i dont know but i dont think so.

What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?
well the drd is running haveing fun jumping and geting shot at in some alien world with a bunch of other people. im sitting on my ass leaning back and forward gettting angry. so i think it is like im living a meaning full life on the screen and in real life not living a real life. so it is like by me playing these games i become as meaningless as them and the game charter becomes meaningfull.

What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?
well yeah and no we will be moving and be part of it but it might turn in to a poeple haveing just a day on the wii and not really interacting with poeple thourgh the wii. now microsoft is makeing a new systeam like a wii but there is a person that will interact with you it and you will be having a virtal friend thing and play by your self maybe with poeple but it is a shame that we are now living life thorugh these computers. here a link to that natal thing


  1. I loved the music that you were listening to during your video. Not only can you multi-task but you also have great taste.

    I like how you made the point about how real reactions can come from fake things and you found that you couldn't just sit still you had to be doing something else.

    I feel that somehow these videos are not really the best way to "capture" how we are when it comes to using out digital products. I can't help but think that some part of this video was staged. Like somehow I don't think that every aspect was real. I'd like to believe that we act out for the camera. Were you acting out?

    You say that it is sad to think you might waste a whole day getting mad at a screen when you could be out creating things. That's something that I haven't thought about. But when you're out creating things is it not possible to fall victim to the activity that you are doing outside. Either way we are becoming enslaved by something. Wheather its an ipod or a volleyball we alwasy end up depending on something.

    I think that it's easy to waste a whole day doing anything, sleeping, school, screens. But how can we really decide what's is good or bad? Whats going to fry our brains and what isn't? 1/2 the things we learn in school will most likely perish into the deep corners of our brains so whats the use?... I don't hear anyone complain about that.

    This was a great post. The video was AWESOME by the way. Looking forward to more!!!!!!

  2. IAN!
    Your video mad me smile, it seemed like you were happy and enjoyed what you were doing. For me most times i find that i don't even really enjoy watching hours or TV or just randomly web surfing for hours but for some reason i do it anyways. I wonder why that is!

    You did something in your video that i have not seem in very many others, your first scene was of not only you but your cousin also, It helped to see to faces (which i noticed where a little different because there was also some human interaction). Your last scene was you playing video games and listening to music, i found it interesting that when we watch TV, play video games or even just listen to an ipod we can never do just that. It is in out nature to multitask (at this very moment i am tying on my laptop and watching TV) why do you think that is? Maybe you can answer me back in your next blog.

    I really liked watching your video!

