Sunday, September 20, 2009

comments to others

this is to francesca:

hey Francesca well right off im going to say how digital world has changed how people not only see it but it is changed there lives is great i mean i really dont remember ever sending a letter in my life and how letters is now done threw the mail systeam are mostly advertisment or bills also i never got i letter really. no i did it was mt uncles idea for us to think that my grand ma was mailing us letters from the dead. any way i like how you showed how this all changed not really sure for the better i mean it is convient for you not to have to walk to a mail box but your out side and your right this convince is cause alot of things that were cruial to knowing (like to read a clock) do you feel this convinance has created it self to be more important then it really is? if people continue with this convince driven life styles how much more do you feel will be forgotten? i for instance cant do long divsion i never learned and now i use computers to do that for me also to spell for me if it can do that. oh and there is a law called moores law i think it says that computer power doubles every year. so your feeling every second is pretty acurrate. so great job i really got you perceive on this and i dont know lets see if people could survive lets take a bunch of people and trow them in a forest and see how it goes

this is to jacara:

hi jacaraara!
this is a great post, and i like that you kept adding more and more when you got more ideas. it's like a post in progress. that shows yuo have intracate thinking patterns.
i think your thesis is that we have evolved to become overly depedent on technology becuase we feel pressured to go in a certain direction. we fear that if we halt the progress then we will revert back to a primitive state and lose status.
this connects to moore's law which states that computer chips will double in power every 2 years. some poeple think this is a naturaly occuring law but others think it's a clever business strategy. moore's law would prove your point because it would show that manufacturers are stepping up the technolgy in order to maintain an image and also to make profit.
it would be intersting to hear you elaborate on what exactly you think would happen if we were to hit the brakes on technology. could you project 3 scenarios: going back to a more "amish" way of life, stopping where we are, and develping technology even further. i want to know what you think because i'm not sure what would happen in those cases.
i wonder how happy i would be if i kept all my appliances for the rest of my life and didn't upgrade them. i could probaby be very happy but i wonder if i would feel the pressure you are describing?
write more and keep expanding your thoughts!
hug! -ian

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