Sunday, October 4, 2009


i think you have a great exsample of life in the digtal and how every thing we do is some how suplmented by some thing digtal.

what i notice was you where always mutitaksing for most of it. like talking to some one while in the computer on the i pod while doign home work. i think you did a ever honest view in to this. also when you said it looked natrual it does i mean for alot of poeple i think it is alot like what it is with you. ( soy milk taste great!) i never had it with that ceral though. any way i think you where right that this does make a unnatrual view on some thing we are looking to see if how it is natrually so it is self defeating but out of most i saw yours looked the most natural you didnt seem to know the camera was there and thats great if i had to giev you an award it would be to have the most natural looking video in the world.
i like you pointeded out how you felt about the digtal things that it isnt as bad but i would say like i dont do as much as my brothe which he does is like 10 hours so i mean just becuase it is not as much i dont think it is good. i dont know your brother or mothers times but i mean i dont know what ever works for you.
i liked you video alot and thanks for not stareing at the camera like i did for a while and you rock.
October 3, 2009 9:34 AM

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your comments on my video, they were so nice. You said alot of things that I didn't even consider.

    When you mentioned that I was multitasking through alot of my video that helped me. I didn't really consider that that was what I was doing.

    Your comment actually helped me to think about the things that we do but we never really notice. I think that an act like that would help to bring out the "natural" feeling in our videos.

    I like how you mention the point of "self defeating" I think that it goes great with the term "double edge sword". Its like how could this possibly be natural if what Im doing is planned?

    How can we seem or become as natural as possible without seeming fake? I think its a hard question because its assuming that we are already real...

    If you get an aswer please let me know.
