Saturday, October 31, 2009

out line

* the idea im trying to get across is that we are being raised to be consumers and like cattle we are farmed hered in forms of what to buy and our roles in socity.

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

intro: i want to say how digtalztion has become the storngist and more dominate becuase it is a dirceted consumer techknowlgy meanign there is no commericals no waiting for shows to go on you go and get what you want. and in a age where desire are more controlling then needs this can be used to controll and at the same time loose control but to stop from loosing control. and in what ways are we being controled.

1.) roles.) since we are younge we are given roles from what we eat to (ex every one assumes ali made me not eat meat any more becuase guys are suppose to like meat and steak and shit that will kill them.) how guys must be strong be able to rape people and rapest traits are favored my men and women. also with that we become easyier to sell to becuse we are more likely to buy to prove shitty roles. and look like some thing that has been shoved down our thortsever sine we where little (transforming a rape cultuer) in what ways is the didtalztion pushing this on us.
2.) heros and last person that should say that to you. poeple who kids and adults look up to and want to be adversies some times suttly or loudly other things so we could further be indoctined. we all want to be our heros or try to be so when they say some thing poeple would be more likely to like that too. and but likeing that they are now learning there roles quicker and become better consumers.(ex hannah montanna, rappers that adverstiese the american dream, wreaslers who advertise) the heros poeple like are usally just good farm animals if you could imagine. how is all this digital going to put this in to hyper drive
3.) what then? where fucked but how bad. exsample of how lies and how our freedoms are being taken much have we been messed up. ex( the expeted terriost, the exstance of alqueda, how law makers are getting away with alot.)( how helpless people feel) the way potlical partys are shaping reality ex( dinosours with saddles. ban of books.) death panles and rating. information polluition regreate bull shit.


  1. Wow, the thesis was the thing that pulled me in to be honest. I've never read anything like that before it was interesnting. I like how you compare humans to animals (correct) that are constantly manipulated.

    I think that it is clever how you mention that we must fit in to the roles that we are given and therefore we buy the stupid shit that fit our roles.

    Your paper seems like it will be funny, interesting and metephorically true. Its going to kick major cattle ass.

  2. Ian,
    Your thesis really drew me in and the connection you made was not an obvious one but that was very original, you compared our dependence on digitalization to cattle being hereded. Almost as if we are trapped and have no choice or say in our ability to be free. Your arguments are very strong and use very unique ideas ones that we did not discuss so much in class! good work! can't wait to read the rest!

  3. Hey there.

    Personal bias aside ;D, your thesis is my favorite. I like that you treat digitalization as a REAL problem and not a fake version of reality.

    How can we possibly combat a monster who we perceive to be invisible? Your outline is great and a step ahead because you know intuitively that digitalization is a very real and threatening problem and in order to make a positive difference, we have acknowledge that problem with legitimate concern.

    I am also excited to hear you elaborate on your idea about how digitalization reinforces social roles. I agree that the main danger of digital representation is how insidiously it poisons our sense of identity --the mystical grip of digital representation over our consciousness makes this a very deadly ninja. But how do the capitalists use this power to their advantage? You already answer this question pretty thoroughly, however I'd like to hear more. Explain each example you cite.. especially the about about wrestlers :P

    Anyways, great job!! Keep truckin.

    Love, Ali Jo
