Monday, October 26, 2009

how is this helping us.

this is intersting. this is a differnt view then i have usally heard. ive seen things like how games where ypu shoot things are good before you take a test. but never that the whole internet and digtal revoultion is good. i mean now i think about it i learned alot thourgh tv and th internet that alot of poeple would say are meaningfull but there is a more to it then what i have read od steven johnsons book so far. i agree that what poeple are doing now is alot more complex and demanding then before and requires alot know how to lets say make an email or create a web site. but i think a good analogy of this is poeple are putting thougter a gaint jig saw puzzle to make a picter of donkey balls. like it is complex but what most poeple are doing with this comlex process is for dumb stuff. for exsample i know a large percent of the internet is porn i think 5 percent. im not sure but to have 5% of the whole internet be any one thing is alot and it is not a smart thing that poeple look up and use the complex machines to find complex things to further understand and learn in the world we are in no they use the coplex machine to get off to some pictures of naked people.
this is like feed where poeple are using a massive interconnected mental networking device to talk about some show or some stupid product they where told to get. like it is complex it takes an understanding of alot to get and have a net work like feed does like the internet today but how poeple use it is bad. like if titus used it to look up some thing like tibeten medatation and try it and learn some thing but he didnt and didnt even want to he was more concerned about his up car or the lesons. also i think that people need to see how to use the inernt all most like maybe have ways we could filter it and use it for good things to make us smarter, nicer aware, better people.


  1. but the inner workings of donkey balls are just so complex..

  2. IAN!
    I really all your posts but this one in particular i liked a lot. your thoughts were very unique and interesting. I enjoyed how you decided to talk about an arguments that you have not normally seen. I agree that TV and computers are not given enough credit for what they do provide us, the Internet is a whole other world of information, just think about what we can't find on major search engines like google... practically nothing. That can be good and bad. We have the access to very educational information but we also have access to harmful stuff as well. There is soooooo much information and instead of all being on paper its on a screen. The connection you made between our unit and the over welhming flow of information we have access to and feed was very insightful. GOOD work! and i always enjoy your sense of humor!
