Sunday, November 29, 2009

story read

is cool you? i notice what is considered cool is uslly the person like ali likes animals and always liked to tell me ways to destory the goverment and dyalns was about a kid who has a conflict with auothtive figuer and wins and surprises the person who si trying to stop them. and now thinking why wouldnt there idea of cool be them isnt that what they are sciving to be. i think that they have an idea of cool and want to be it becuase it is right or some other reason. i dont think it is bad but i think shows what this person wants to be and is a gret way to see how revile there vaules and better understand them.
what bothers me is when poeple say what the person has and that makes them cool. like saying the clothing i feel like that stuff is bought and if thats what is reviered and celbrated i think it is a big fundemental thing that is very materialistic and consumerist and shows how rooted it is in us. ali jo said it best that "it is like a shopping list"

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