Monday, November 2, 2009

i owed this i forgot to post it newer stuff is below

i like your last sentence it really wraps up all your ideas and what does this matter if know one really does any thing. also how anderson and johnson are both looking at the same thing but takeing away differnt aspects away from this one event. (i like that you brought up spock)

i agree with you that there are differnces that anderson is saying wake up look!!!! and johnsons point i think is vaild but can be somed up quickly that internet and computers are tools and can be used to map up the galaxy clusters or draw an ass hole out of pics of poeple you dont like. but i think most of this books and computers is a fight against disembodyment. i dont know how ot spell it but i hope you know what i mean. like reading in the bath room . but i do it to hopefully learn but it turns in to trying to live my body becuase im next to a stinky litter box and in a ever increseing stinky bath room. maybe it is not learning is what im trying to do but it is an option it is a tool and i can choose (i hope) weather to face my shit or read about atoms.
i think that andersons call is like that guy saying the british are coming! i dont think it was really paul revier. but it isa an atment to make people understand. i mean even getting one person to wake up i think is some thing but now his book is being mass produced to teens and they dont see it i can see why you feel it is like why bother.
good you kick ass as always hope to see more!

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