Thursday, November 5, 2009

revised a bit

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

in this comsumer capltist socity we live in we are told porlby from day one "there is supply and demand" if you supply and no one buys it your are screwed and no one buys your thing so you need the demand. so in this the power is in the demand and who controls that the market. and this new digtal world is now a better way to further controls the demand. poeple are marketed items to futher be marketed too. it is like buying space in your house to put bill roads on. deisres are munpilated through roles that we are expected to play. such as guy are expeted to look big and rape like traits so they buy sport things and exerices to make them bigger.these expections play into what they buy and the demands so we see this in commericals and products we buy such as movies, comicsand even stories we here when we are younge. digaltion has become a great tool to reaforce these vuales and further control poeple and consumers.

growing up i loved dinosuars t-rex was my favoirt and how could i not love that gaint beast of death. it was the big great charter in most dinosuar movies t-rex is the main focus and was even the red ranger (from power rangers ) dinosuar was the t-rex! how could i not like it i was at every point almost convinced to like this perticualr animal! now thinking back this was desinghed i was a desinger consumer cow. like cows i was fed only one thing and had a planned growth to a praticler market. it wasnt just me i feel like any one who has been exposed to digtal or other forms like that has probly been hearded. now it goes further i wanted to be like t-rex my favoirt food was steak i wanted to be t-rex! now this also how my diet was controled. but it keeps going as a boy i needed to like sports for most my life i have been having sprots thworn down my throt like many other people.teams are not teams like the school team or a group of freinds they are a company owned by some one. guys are told to care and put there lives around companys playing games. told to like tha best players they where all men who where trying to hit white balls as far as they can with there stick.use the freudian thinking here.but here since i happen to have a penis i must abid by the these roles and do really stuipid and meaningless shit. i would love to do a girl prepective but im not a girl so i cant but i can say what i went thorugh. now i first stoped buying meat becuase i think saw some thing where the us goverment gave group of poeple a ton of rice to get there poilt back and he said " well now i know how much im worth" i was thinking ok well how much is any person worth i thought priceless there should be no money amount to a person then i thought to body parts and i thought i was all priceless.i stoped buying meat and soon i stoped eating it. ali jo soon followed now when i say dont eat meat i as a guy people feel i didnt do that out of care for my colon or small intestantes i did it becuase ali did it and i did it so can get the girl.many occastions people feel i did it becuase of ali and as a guy there is no other reason woemn are viewed as done to earth and vegitable like and men must be animal killers and rape the cows to tenderise and love meat since it is man! see it is dumb but we play in to it and buy things to make us more of our gender like work out stuff to be stonger. we all compisate for these insane impossible to reach fantasys by buying stuff to (we hope) hopefully get us there.

now we allhave poeple or charters we look up to. for me it is michio kaku ,batman and maybe lao zi ( not sure yet)but all these poeple have met some role i hope to have in my self that a big media concollmert has put there. the scienctist ! the super phyically and mentallly perfect batman! and the wisdom and all around coolness. now i have bought tons of batman toys (even at 18) i bought all of michio books and a shirt and books with a concept that lao zi created tao (or doa what ever uncraves your block) what im trying to say is that i have been given vaules and picked heros and those heros are marketed to me. thus i consume and keep the ball rolling. now this is happening for tons of people mostly the hannah montanna poeple. in her song party in the usa she makes tons of adversiements to other music poeple and says she likes this song. this wouldnt be so bad but she has a religous following cerals, vitmans , clothing, toys, games and funiture all with her face on it becuase she is a hero to many people. so when she said i like that jayz song so did all her fans. she says she likes these shoes cars now do her fans. she is a mass hearder and like a sheep dog derictes the sheep where to go and like that poeple have become even more farmed.

need help organzining

1 comment:

  1. 2 on point of view.
    2 on evidence
    1 organization
    2 connection
    1 opposing view
    1 communication
