Saturday, June 5, 2010

was i suppose to do this

watching the play i found it amazing that the main actor was ab le to do so many charters so well. i know for me it is hard to do one and become one i felt that the perpective was interseting always being other men in the life of this girl who is being abused. i think it showed almost the ripple of relationship how abuse can effect others. also in writing or acting i think this subject is a really seldom explored i cant think of any ways the effect of abuses on other men not just the man.

this part was one i learned the most from was the circle groups. my idea about this was to keep quite for a little and see how things would unhold i didnt want to expect poeple to know nothing or every thing so to see where the class was with they're own ideas. so i let it sit but it was funny what subjects came up at first i thought where really out of contexts. like the question or commeents had nothing to do with the play or what it ws about some of the quesitons where in a paradoy. i didnt think it was offensive i thought it was confused they didnt know how to deal with this i thought. here is this new point of view showing how pateriachy voicle are wroung. sexism is so excepted it becomes invisble and i know for male kids it is never more cebrated. on xbox live for example poeple can be racsit sexist all they want. the word rape has turned from a horrbile action to a person so a celbrated victory cry people will ofthen say " you raped that bitch" refering to other players. i felt that these poeple where coming from a differnet world that they possibly never questioned. so maybe the off questions where not offensive or them trying to lean away from the subject but they are trying to cope with this new view.
so tlakign to them i had to i felt use things i thuoght wee all knew using poke'mon to explai points that htey may not of heard yet i found it amazing that one thing our school is not really touching on is sexism. i feel that for so many it i scompletly invisable and wont be shared. we should do this more often.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

parneting 101

parneting this is hard to do. i mean there are so many ways to be a parnet and what is good or bad all i can think of is the out comes. i have never been a parnet really got a vague idea of what it means to be a parnet and what is the right thing to do. all i know is the result and some disscussions i have had with people about the same thing. what i notice is that rarely do poeple think that they where raised right and usally the poeple that do think that they where raised right are more likely not to have been. so what are they compareing their child hood to that makes it worse? maybe a good question would of been like how it is to be raised right or what could had your parnets hove done to make it better?
my dads experance of being raised was like getting hit alot by his mom and really not fun. i think alot of the time his aunts thought he would turn in to a serial killer but it is like the polar oppitsite of good of the really messed up child hood. ill ask him later to tell me some crazy stories like some thing how he got trown down stairs or some thing ill see.

Monday, May 17, 2010


how are same sex friend groups similar to tribal interactions?

in what ways do same sex groups behave like our understanding of tribal interactions?

how can same sex friend groups be compared to tribs and how we belive they behave?

are human same sex friends ships dyienatmics the same as small gather hunter groups?

need help to foucs this but here is some reserch.

transforming a rape culture for the male group section they got in there i know they talk about male dyanmics.

personlity test

Your type is: ENTP

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

(the html was broken)

i tried to do the big five but it didnt work ill do it later. i remeamber reading about them how they wanted to make a tags for people to be easier to market was an idea i dont think they are doing it yet,but it would be crazy.

so this is ok i mean i feel like it is very broad statement of me. i notice that i needed help to do this test it is lie you need some one else to help you evaulte your self bcuase i would confuse what i hope am with what i really am, so it helped to ask some one to see how if this was me and work it out to get to the closes to what i really am.

i think issiah berlin made this i dea about foxs and hairs oor hedge hogs? i think hedge hogs how the foxs move from one subject to another and a hedge hog will stay on one idea for a while. this shows like how isshiah would say i'm fox like with the Enthusiastic interest in everything, which i agree i think it sucks to be labled the science guy r histoy guy when i go on likeyear long ends in one subject like one time it wasavvaion and next physics and women studiesand tons of things so i agree with this but i think it is funny to have a test tell me this. i wonder if poeple woould pay others to evulate them i think thats a problem maybe it is not. well i mean to have to have someone else know you better than you happens but to not have poeple around you be able to tell you that you are these things is sucky. i think to have poeple around they can help you better your self in what ever you are aiming for. if i wanted to be a better mom i could ask some one like my mom and she would blah blah and blah. i think these test are like where you are now and ofthen it would help to have your friends be able to compelent you like this with out it being werid considered sexual or inform you in better words of your faults with out it being mean.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

first thought s

Human realshion ships

this is hard. There is a lot to this and it is increaile to tryo to some up all of them. I want to be general and broad my best to help me really fit all of this concept in here. So I want to adress with realshionships is that I think it is hard to have the same realshionship ethier compared to some one elses. For exsample my mom and alis mom. They are both parnets but I feel me and ali's realshionship with our moms is different. I think that we are borh aimign at the same mom and child role but both people are so different. My mom is short , hispanic and had no father grew up with 7 brothers and sisters with a single mom and has been working since she was 14, lived in new york her whole life. Ali jo' mom jody lived in menphise is kinda tall did modleing her dad died as well. She is french canadian and moved to new york 25 years ago. I feel that it is hard to say realshionships are like this or that when every one has really different experiacnes in the same realshionship frame. My mom and alis mom are every different people and we get different realshionships with the same role. What I can say though is that we are aiming at the is the what should a mom do and what should a child should do. This should* that I keep saying the the pictuer that both my mom and her mom have is our idea of a parnet and child realshionship. But even that is different I think my moms idea of a mother and ali jos mom is very different so how can I judge realshionships like this when even the idea that we ar eaiming for is different too? Maybe the foundations of realshions ships not how do they work but what makes them work.

I have been watching star trek next generations they have this thing called a holodeck wher they program a sitation ( like in a 1930s gang war or some castle in euorope) and you act it out or hang out there and the idea sounds like a lot of funbut I feel like people work our realshionships the same way. There is a differnce it is you cant pick the situation it kjust happens so human realshions are like a broken holodeck then. And where when you wind up in king athurs round table you have to be who ever they call you to be you are them if you dont every thing falls apart and you get chased away by land sharks. So we try our best to keep this scean alive and make our selves fit best to what ever is going on around us and if we dislike it we can either turn it off , for some others we are stuck in and cant do any thign about. I hope to do more this is a lot to handle.


The fist topic I wanted to study in school was how it destorys the curpoisity in student and most poepel involed. I wanted to show how it destryed that aspect in thosands and thosands of people, how it takes such a long time. The more I looked in to this I found some thing just as scary. Not that have a basic cogintive trait destoryed is not scary (a trait that many of speacies of bugs have,) I thought this was s systome of a much larger problem. The problem was aouthity structuers in schools. How it cueroisty is banished and desrtsted to surive for attment to stay mentally healthy as possible. Or maybe the way the struture of school is created no one has the time to persure there own curiousitsy. My idea is that schools bring people to become better indoricatied in a athotity strutcure so they can be used by the other higher in athourity as resources to expand there ecomomic power .

My idea is that schools are the mouth of the athouerity systeam. If we where to look at aouerty as a digeistive systeam I think school is the mouth to soften people up fro the furher brain smahshing that will achore later. I find it wierid that if I told a bunch of popeoel to sit in a room for 45 mins or maybe an hour of no talking or communaction of any kind unless I deem it nessary. that woiuld be crazy for me to belive and for them to do this let alone consecitly for 6 hours. But it fine for a school to do this why? I belive it is beuase we all eel they have that aohtyerty so this instiution has the right and the reason to keep you in all day. Why?? is it because this instoruio is linked to other? Why cant I says on a resume I spent 45 mins a day growing or talking to my mother ( who si preobly more in touch or should be more in thocuh with what I need to know in order to sureive with this situations around me.) hell or reading comics books I mean I think of me doing trig or finding x as usefull in my life as knowing the green latern chant. Why is this done I think to peroccuipe the poepel so school could slowly break them down and while they are doing that students will be preoccipide with porperganda only what the instituion wants them to know. Such as hot the only way to be successful is to make lots of green papers. That the world around you is made up of resources that you can expoilt and make even more money.

One thing school takes more than any thing I belive is time. Time is a big deal there a lot you can do with time. I went in to school not knowing any thing and came out not know a thing I feel helpless. I do not know how to pay for crap like heat or rent. Do I need a creait card what is there that I can use around me to eat. Is there a possible way for me to survie out side of this? Are there ways I could help out the place I live to make it more livable ,maybe put more fish back in the ocean ? Most schools I know of do not teach this or even have an answer.i think schools create us more helpless and we are more depentent on the ecomomny to feed us , the auothority to save us all of it to control us. School is one part of a whole that is trying to use humans as resources .

So I hope to convaye that that school in all of it indocritanions and brain smashing is trying to make people are supitible to become resources to help expand the systeams ecomonic power.

Monday, April 26, 2010


listening to every one it is funny that there's is a sought of understanding that this sucks but it is OK! from Ms. D and Fanning I felt they where different but similar in most of there options. i feel like i was expecting to much from them. i was expecting an explanation or some ideas about the industrialization of school. what i felt was that they where fine with it and to them it made sense. compared to every one else i talked to this is opposite of what my mother , brother, friends, other family, aqquaintance and other school teachers. why is it that they had a good feeling about institutionalized schooling? i mean Mr. Fanning said that a perfect eduction is a never ending one , this is great but his perspective of education was werid he felt it had to do with instuitions and degrees. i wonder wha he would feel about home schooling or unschooling? he relly seems to feel that a good edcuation is one in a building that will give you a paper sayign you did it. also does he want poeple to constanly go to school even when they are old? i think school is not a place of learning but of reshaping and i have learned more out side of school than i have inside. what bothers me too is when some one said some thing abut child based curiousty learning he said " when poepel say why cant we learn what we want i always say you know abuot mtv and music videos you wouldnt be learning any thing." i mean this was offenseive in some ways but i can understand in his point of view why he woulod say that. offienve becuase i dont atch mtv i really know notihng about it. i have and had curioistys about things that could easyly have been classes like physics, poilticl philosy , evoulstioary psycology ,japanese history , american history ,social science , biblcal histlory ,avataion , germen history, rennisace artiture , feminsim ,film making and on and on and on. there is no mtv or any real bull shit that he thoght i would like to learn about. and i feel he was belitting me and peers off of some obsumtion he had. did you know kevin likes astro physics? i mean i was talkign to him about white holes and how black holes work and alot i do not remeber it all but he was curious about it. i think is sucks that mr fanning assumes so much with out knowing so much. i feel that eveyr one has there own curiosty that may stem form other things in there lives. maybe if kevin had some way to feed this he might get in to history of astromy ,particle physics hell i mean who really knows he will never be expoased or given the time to expose him self to some thign he likes and is constuctive. so the point of all this was to show how instistiosn really destory the curtios some one has and it never goes any where it just sits.
another thing i want to address is the how i can understand why he would feel that. all he is reciving is poeple failing and wanting to watch mtv more than the stuff he wants them to do. so it is fusting but to assume so little from a large group of poeple is think is pushing it really i wonder why does he like his job if so many are so hopelesss? i wouldn't.

Monday, April 19, 2010

our movie 49

Where is the movie?? I feel like to do this would be to bull shit should I bull shit?

from what i can tell this movie is about a fall. if i had to make a picture of this it wold be a person falling off a cliff only to get caught by a net to then fall to their death. this is a different movie i think then any other super teacher movies. this was reverse roles and a sad ending it is good to be different and funny too. my part was to ask a question and to get the class to all agree with me. my part is not big but i think it worked. from what i can tell this movie it looks funny and that there is a lot of drama and internal conflict in it which is similar but different from other super teacher movies.

most super teacher movies are different that it is more expertanla dn teacher helping. also the idea of hope is always present and never leaves. it seems that in all these other movies teacher play the guardian angels to the student but now it is like the students are a team of angles sent to save the teacher. reminds me of the angles who went to save Lots from the destruction of Sodom where the angles came down saved him and his family only for his wife to turn t salt and he to have sex with his daughters . so this is similar to the movie because there is a save but it ultimately cost a lot and the you can argue even if it worked.

Monday, April 12, 2010

treatment for movie

well i need a point were will we be going with this. if the point is to show how bad school is and how it is point less. we could begin with on the street unductral and have a grown up chater homeless out of luck bakeing almost mercyfull in the sun not caring maybe do a flash back or some thing and go to him at school whe he was younger (maybe have an adudlt looking person then transition to him in school looking at some grades that are really good *the point should be that school is notthe only thing you need to be ecomoicly sucessfull in this cultureand how the school systeam is based around complete crap.also how school being in here doesnt teach you any thing you need in this place.* any ways this kid is looking at grades pan out and maybe they sick smile and this kid who is not even look at his card but is playing with blocks and this runs up to him and knockes them over (showing he is mean and useing the frueden knocking down his penis and destroyuing his power but taking down th power of his tower of blocks) kids are in high school but poeple think this kid obseesed with blocks is dumb.this person *(not sure on gender)* walks poud and shows off and asked poeple what they got knowing they did bad maybe since we have a time frame they could beat some one or really exgrate t˙em being bad and mean like hitting poepel with chairs and make really show that they are in charge and have the power. then we can go to how they keep the power makeing fun of poeple and such and kissing the teachers ass.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ideas fpr the movie.

i dont want it ti be serious. i feel those movie that have our buget fall apart and tend to turn in to a pardory with out meaning to be. i would like a pardy that is fun werid and teachs some thign about schooling. i dont know what i would want the messages to be. maybe constructions of power in class and maybe we should have the kids break it or go with it as a pardory. maybe we could make sense of what kids should learn in school maybe like the perfect school what kids should learn in school. i hope that it is fun and i think if we have to find out all the people in it do all the classes make a movie as a grade or each class and when and how should we film. maybe we could have a story with a teacher who changes there act every day i mean like they come in liek some millataryr person and soon trun in to some one wearing short shorts and is haveing fun. i think we need to clear out the mission and the charter of the teacher. if we make a pardory i think we need focus becasue we would go all over the place. maybe there should be some big conflict like the murder in red shoes maybe some thing liek that to focus on but nothting serious. i hope this works it seems like alot of fun.

knowing your rights

reading this book was ofcorse simple and easy to read which it needs to be i think so that any one could read it. what i found funny was how comlpeteated it can be some times simple but taht only if some thing really bad. i thought that it is still more a systeam desighed to have aboidance rather then learning. i would think some thing about learning would b in the rights like a student has the right to learn what they want or to choose some thing else if they give good reason why the state learning wasnt good. but in an envorment of control and it's only ponit is not clear in the rights i ofent ask so what the point of the rights to give an illsuhtion of rights or of some power when really there is none unless they break some culture barrier then every one gets in to your shit.i mean reading this i notice that alot of rights are broken by teachers parnets and almost many authoerty fiughers it would be nice if this was thought to kids when they where younger insteas of the bull shit pilgrimes i thnk this is more imporntatn and some times these rights can help btu ti is hard to make them work for you when they where ment to not really work for you. also why havent i known about my rights till my last semster in public school? this si a problem and this can connect to my idea theiss thing which is kinda like why and how does school destory curiousty? is it the idea of powerlessness that is given at schools taht make people feel like they dont matter? looking at the rights it is still almost backwards that they dont make a big change in schooling or make the experice for the student any better. it is like little nip pickiing i felt that doesnt change any thing. i feel liek poeple go thourhg so muchtrouble to make these rights so that student would have a more comforble learning expericene ( i hope that what they wanted) i thnk instead of makeing it morecomforble why not just take out what is there that is still uncomforble. i went thorugh a sitution like this when i was in elemeary school i sat by the garbage can and it smelled bad so i held my nose or tryed not to breath in the stank. then i was trying my best to get comforble as possible with it but it was still crappy so i just moved the garbage can to the another part of the room. i think these rights are like us covering our noes and trying to inoroger the problme when we know the problem i think we can just get rid of what is not working or makeing us suffer.

Monday, March 22, 2010


i think sizer ideas where great and made sense and tried to fit well in to a syteam that sucked. i feel that it does the job but it is not complete freedom. that there is still a control over what the kids learn and how they learn. mean how they learn is good for the materals taht this systeam wants them too. it is revlionary to a shitty systeam. it is like you got a huge rock but this is better way to carry it. but i would rather where there wont be a rock. i feel that there are it is emtionally and intellacally better than the normal systeam.can they work toughter? i feel that one will eat the other or they will stay as a small sizer systeam. i hope schools in the future become free er. my own experican here has been differnt from class to class. some years they are every much remeamber facts and nothing else. some where thinking and involded he student to really think but i remeber more of the remebre facts than any other else which is a shame. i would think there is a better systeam use it why use the one that doesnt go with what the school is about. i mea it is beter why not? i no kathleen did the sizer ways in science class which is hard but it worked. but i think this whole time im learning stuff that i dont care about or i have curoistys with some thing else, i remreber in 7th grade i was really curious about plato it wasnt all that exploered which is a shame as well i think it was better to know that then how the pilgrames got freedom for the 7th time. if i could control my education i think it would be just as meaningfull or more then what i was thought is school for 13 years.

Monday, March 15, 2010


this is my college essay thing i did about education. i think it has good points it is really kiss assy and edited by ali jo alot but it is still good and shows my feeling on liberal arts a little.

What does a liberal arts education mean to you? Why do you want to pursue your degree at Eugene Lang College?

My idea of liberal arts is it is more general and it is not specialize people to a certain type skill or education, but liberal arts focuses more on developing the thinking and intellectual processes of students. To me this is not becoming a robot programed to do one thing to instead take what I learn and not just use it in the work place but also in my day to day living. I feel liberal arts is real learning. many other forms of eduction teach how to regurgitate things said to you before. I don"t want that, that is not in anyway an education but a new program. So when your asked a question all you have to do is remember that information. Liberal arts teaches how to think and in many way forces you to think which is something many schools from k to 12 do not teach. Education should focus more on intellectual thinking and not the "save this in your hard drive!" attitude that education has had for now. there is a quote that I think sums it up "You have nothing to say and no way to say it but you can say it in three languages." Liberal art I think breaks this and allows students the opportunity to learn many things about not only the world but ourselves. The point is that they will have some thing to say and not just throw up information. Eugene Lang will be the place where I will learn how to think and to say some thing that I thought of and to say it, share it and probably have with other people doing the same thing and learning from them. In a small class and sharing a room with them for while I'd like to see who they are and what they think. many schools do not have that intimacy and it is almost privilege to know who you are sitting next to they probably have great things to say. Most schools there is a disconnect with other students and it is like they are alienating people which is an environment I do not want to be in or take part in.
Thinking is some thing seldom done that I know Eugene Lang teaches how to think in an environment where you know who is talking and who is who. Really I would matter in the class I wouldn't be another person just sitting there I would be part of some thing and what I would say some thing that would affect the class. This is such a great thing because I think that many people feel so unimportant and insignificant (I do too) that having this where people would listen to them I can't pass that up. This is some thing I would love and I know I will flourish in this environment.

even though i say alot of good things about it i still feel a school is a school it is trying to change some thing a little when there is a really big problem. if they really wanted to get a new kind or a better type of education shouldnt it be better to get the school part out. not haveing an instiuion that is run like ti was 100 years ago . like no matter how deep you are in a lake your still wett liberal arts is near the surface but it is wet . to leave this lake of schooling and beocme dry of it you need to leave the lake out right. i feel schooling is not true education. educaion means "the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life." schooling isnt learning but instilliing nothing but temporaly facts.

Monday, March 1, 2010


this here is talking about how school is structuered it says community v.s school as a factory. this i think is great idea but it is hard to imgaine school any other way besides a factory. i think a problem with education is that it is a processing learning. learning is usally some thing personal and intimate andthis is a real preversion to create learning to an alienating process. i think this process is what alentaies poeple from there own curiousty. it is amazing feat i think to destory the curiosty of some one when they just got to a new place or been there for a little while. tehre in a whole new world and some how there cuortist is destroyed. how and why? i heard many teachers say to the class i was in "you guys just dont want to learn." this totally underminds the notion f unscholliung whichc it is a kid driven education where hte child learns what they want to learn. here is there site.

the idea that schooling is suppose to suplement the Curiosity of poeple and not destroy it. and to desoty i thought is a really hard thing from this wiki page on Curiosity even some insects spieces are Curiosity and it is a behorior that it seems all animals have in one stage or another. so to destory this is really i mean thats a huge thing to have peple that would rather watch some one hurt them selves than to learn some thing. and this i see alot with family of mine that live in a place that there was no way for them to have there curoisty dealt with or fed so it shut off. this think leads to alot of the dumb shit we see today. the one acpesct in langunge destoryed i think is the question. i havent heard any one in a while ask a good question that couldnt been solved by looking at it or thinking about it for 2 more seconds. is this a thing school did as well?
for this im thinking of showing convverstion with my cousin ivan and that kid living in my house.

Monday, February 22, 2010

this is hard.

naroowing down my questions is really hard. i have tons of questions that kinda relate. like the power strucures in school why do they have them like that? it is a fasict and it is not help ful for any one. like i would like to pick what to know and study. right now i'm trying to understand reanasuss artiture and fake wreastling like how do they sell that it is fake? and how is beign concerned with how these poeple do there job less important then learning about knights and knaves? or how to sale a computer boat? i think that a shilds own curiostys are really droped and some crap that they know the child doesnt care is put in place. why? does that really do any thing besides waste time? also my mother had insites to why the school year is made the way it is that it was based on farming with haveing november off and have summer off and coung back to school earlyer. also does the school know how much it is alentanting familys how it is creating problems that it hoped to solve or make better? if they dont know how dumb are they.another thing is that there is alot of over lapping like if i try to stick with how kids are broken down and have tere curiost for the world destoryed then comes why and how is the power structures and how the teachers are acting like bosses or factory mangers, then comes how the factory and how do they teach the kids and is it effective????

so im doing to try to show how school the way it is down in unnatrual and alienting becuase it is the most bord topic and i can really work with all the space in it. what im curious about is unschooling and the idea kids are natural learners. most classes iv'e been to the teachers hate the kids and say the kids dont want to learn and are lazy or some thing. and hwo they need to be paid mor becuase there dealing with a bunch of kids. any way how is it that a bynch of people preety much brand new in the world arent curious about it? i think they are not curious about what is being forced on them. unschooling the kids learn what they want and are probly mroe likely to learn some thing they dont want to because they have had a good time with learning over all. i had a friend who was unschooled and mayeb i could ask them question or have them come in for class. so ill try to focus on this has much as i can

Sunday, February 21, 2010

hey eric

whats your gernal feeling of school ?
i used to like it it now im just like ehhhh not you know (thats good eric) wha ok

why did you like it?
a few you want one? ooh ok
1.) well i got to meet new poepel and be with poeple and know them ?
2) i would share stuff with them and feel like a was part of some thing like a(a trib) yeah thats it!
what do you feel about schooling can you you see your life with out it or better yet can imagain not haveing school?
i can imagin you guys teaching me. i mean i learnded more from you guys than at school.
what do you feel about the process of schooling?
it feels very superfiacal like hallow. even like teachers make cliches with students and if your not in one you are left astra and burried.

my mom.
so you went thorugh school was it worth it?
yes hmm yes.
i learned. i wasnt learning any where else my mom had no edcuation so i couldn t learn any thing any where else.
are you fine with the systeam we have today?
but it did its job?
for me my own reason i had poeple who cared or me and offerd me alot and even the school seceratary helped me alot
now it seems that the teachers arent able to put time to teach,it seems that therye not getting the resorces they need even though where paying more taxs in to it. it is all most that the school systeam is coppurt. it is like a con a game a poilitacle systeam. it is not the students. it is about the testing it is ways to get funding there/. and parnets have to pay out of there pockets for assitdent teacher air condicnshing one year and ever year we pay for some thing. this is not a public school. the focus isnt on the childern but funding for adminashaters and super indentis. i think that times have changed and we havent changed the way school its sturcured there isnt any rrom for these kids. they times have changed kids arnt aloud to play and be phyiscal they dont let them be kids they have play in the street and instead they should have a real gym class and move and be in the sun. also they have the kids wake up way to early. in the old days when kids where farmers it made sense kids where up early to help the cows or what ever and went to school and got to school early so they can do there chores before dark. it was sent up for farming thats why summers where off. we dfo not leave in that socity any more! at least in urban schools or suburban hours should change to reflect there life styles maybe have 10 o clock so parnets can eat with there kids instead of this constant rush. kids leanr better later in the day.
both parnets work and it puts a burden on the family dynamics the parnets ffeel like crap. thats how they create latch key kids. and the public school should relize that the nulcear family has changed and the public school ed should change with it to support it and be apartner to support and help a family instead of burdening it and creating more problems. lets say kids who do extra cuirrcle activies some times they put them in times where poeple cant leave work it is like why? we leave in a time where parnets has to decide not get paid to atend a school event no one should be forced to make that dechsion and the school looks down at the parnets as thought he parnets doesnt care about the childs education when in fact the parnets is just trying to put food on the on the table and that is a real choice the parnets have to make. they have things in the morning 12 or 1 at jobs they dont GIVE a shit. they say if you go they say if you go im going to fire you or not pay you. and they dont take you seriuorly later on or some thing it effects you at work. making life harder for you and your child. it doesnt mean you dont care it means that you being forced to make a choice giveing the sircumstance you have to suppoert your family.
if they changed the hours to match what is going on in socity.
it would prepare kids for working too to havbe the kids at 9l. the younger it was worse. i had to take you and the amounte of pursure put on a family to acomadante an acrchic systeam.

well my mom really took alot there so im going to sythiese now. they where differnt in there experices in school like my brother learns more out side of school than in it and my mother is the oppiste. maybe it is the envormient that they are in that shapes if there curoius and if at home they get that curousty fed. my brother has our family and im always yelling at him new ideas i made up or new things i learned. my mothers home probly wasnt like that she did have 7 sisters and brothers and a single mommy who didnt have much if any education. hre oms job was cleaning offices she had a very strong spainsh acsent and was subjected to alot of racism. so ,maybe that why couldnt have her own curioust becuase she was so busy trying to keep the home a flot. like becuase of this it hindered her from her own curioust becuase she had no time to. also both of them do not like it. i talked to some one who has liked our systeam now and thought it shouldnt make any changes. if no one likes it why is it stuck like this? also both have notice some corpution in the class room and how the systeam is run as a whole. 9it seems that it has turnd more from education to being in control of money or groups i a class.

Monday, February 8, 2010


three of the most fascinating aspects about school?

that kids are youngst and have more engery that they will ever have in there lives are forced to sit down and do nothing

kevery one waits and no one likes it also know one learns any thing that they remember. they even make game shows on it like are you smarter than a 5th grader where poeple see if they know the meaningless crap that 5th graders know. like whats a conjuction.

is it made to break poeple?

why is it that home schoolers do better in school when they only have there own resorces and not a citys? whats better about home schooling then public or private schooling?

if a 7 year old wants not to go to school why take them? what would they do if they dont go? want to go to the park play with toys with other kids?

what does school do? is it a day care becuase adults in this country work more than most others?

why do we consider poeple smart when they get high grade numbers when it is not about being smart?

so first off the bat i have to say i do not like schooling in this factory model. my expericeance hasn't been good.ive been held back , made fun of by students and teachers alike. what sums up school i think is waiting to wait so i can wait then hopelyfully die. this is not a pro life systeam where poeple feel fofilled and meaning full the most any one gets is some crappy number that somes up you whole existnace in that pariclur class. even in this isn't meauring any thing but poeple are all over it we are thought to be obessed with those numbers it is good to be when it is not. it is horrible to try to gain some expectance to some one who wont care about you and dont care even now. see most teachers this is job not there lives kids are thought this is you life thats it. why are they surpirsed when kids kill them sleves over school and why dont they do some thing about it??

Sunday, February 7, 2010

movie project

what did i want poeple to walk away knowing after seeing my movie?
i wanted them to see that cool the same thing and from differnt times and even though it might look difffent it is filling out the same function.what changes is the time and what filles out that function of cool. usally it is the same thing just painted differnt either with black nationalism some thing else.

how was the process of it? how did you go about to do what you did?
well i teamed up with russe we made tons of movies before and he edits better than any one i know he consideres things i dont even think about and never would.he really helps with the tech things like how things sound and how a shot should be get what ever point i want to get across. also how i tend to make sceans is not to particalluar it is mostly improve. must a conpect charters and we work out the rest. i know in a beining of a scean what each charters want i tell the other actors and they improve it. the popeple i needed for this movie are always poepe who can think on there toes and do not need much dircetion just enough to get the scean going and they can run away with the charters. kareem and kevin did great at that also put in alot of ideas to the techinal and how scenaces should be shot. so this was like a very well aimed mess.

do you like art projects
i prefer them then any other kind of project i learn alot about my own ideas and other peoples. i have them challneged as well whcihc a paper cant do. also it is fun to play around and make funny thins on camera.also it is a freez frame of you and poeple around you in the time you are in a paper is just some essay you created a movie is those ideas plus your world and you can always add more like with the editing music or som thing else in to it. also i was thining it is alot more univerisal any one can watch an get it is and with the kind of points that are being made maybe it would be good for poeple to want to watch some thing so they may get and see a real exsample of it ( being what ever that idea may be. ) i think makeing movies is bettter then a paper i find more creativly challaning and alot more rewarding seeing the finshed project.

oh here it is.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

it is rushed but alot

the story of the heros jounery is a blue print by which poeple live there lives and coperations and goverment expolit ,munipulate and commdify this life script.
warning (this may not be in liner fashion might be like derrick jenson tangents sorry please work with me here.)should i double space it???

hoildays are days in which poeple do actions and try there best to mmake there
lives for that day match a pictuer they seen in a coloring book or some thing. there is never that much of a surprise in the sense that your day should be like xyz what ever that might mean if it is gifts , candy , giving money , fire works or what ever there is a preconviced notion on how the day should play out any thing less sucks. popele live there lives like that not just on hoil days btu also every day. they are the charter that has to act like this. that they need so say thign becuase any ting more or less wouldnt be the person or who they think they are. but to what exsample do poeple live ther lives if they had a coloring book to tell them what a certin hoilday should look like what gave them the idea of there own identity? i belive that what every one is trying to match is the heros jounery or some varation of it. that it is the fundemtanl rurbic to how popele see and want ther lives to be played out. there is almost like an ego in frueds idea but instead of being tghe senable and a counter to the id it is instead a i have to do this becuae this is "how i am expected to be". so with this sense of how you are excepted to be is there so what hoe can this be controled? is controled? yes almost to every comerical to instiutioions to home life. from how you wher expected to act as a child to how your mom has to act with you being the child. these exceptioncome to every intreaction thata poele have with one another they giann these roles according to the situation. for instance in a lycheing some one who was a preist a mom for exsample now is playing a role from a healer or care giver to now a face in the mob that killing some these roles change but hardly can they be so intrechangable and accpeted. roles are being alomost store bought and we are given ways that a person with those things would act. with adversitments which is almost all forms of media i could think of right now. for exsample when males see some sought of alpha male a sniper or a wreasler they want to some how be able to protray thta charter which is lets say lack of empathy or really big mucsles. but it is more then just the charters that people play it is how they try to shape there experinces to shape them.

days like birth or giving birth are major points in our culture and maybe some others but many share this therehold point where a person becomes part of the sonity or an productive memeber of there village/city/culvasack or what ever. but my point here is that poele plan and shape there experices to what kind of charter they want to be or where they feel they are on the heros jounery. but by shaping there experices and knowing about the experice and prepareing for it also maybe acting like the older poele who went thorugh it is it still an experice that will have the attended effect? so is this thereshold still needed? or even in function any more? if it does or not i dont think it matters it seems that threshold are now buying products like beer, tattoes or college. i belive that copertions like viacome and time waner make movies where a bunch of college kids doing dumb things becuase that is the frame to the therehold of the heros jounery.what im trying to say is that companys create this thereshold (by movies books or some other expection) then use that to exploit by have commericals for a product like beer match that view of younge poeple drinking beer and haveing fun in some dark room. these expoiltions shape how people want to live there days to all around life another personal exsample is my moms boyfriends son was saying how it would be fun seeing my cousin drunk. why would he say that so randomly to some one he doesnt know? poeple arent always nice when there drunk i mean many poeple are violent and some times self descutive i mean i know some one who beat his 60 year old dad becuase he was angry at him and drunk. its safe to say since he never beat his dad sober probly the heavy amounte of achole helped . so why did he say that he would like to see some one he never met drunk? i thnk beacuse the exsample he has been preexposed to more then likely have been just movies like i said before those college movies that are just about partying. while i have had exsample of poepel being drunk and descutive , all he has provly seen is people being funny and happy drunk. Because of this I bet that he will grow up more likely to drink since he asccoited being a age, drinking and silly happyness all in one. The achleo companys have created a customers with out him ever having a drink. Se lets break down what we know he is a boy 13 years old and is has had his charter created and what he is going to be when he gets of age. He is a guy so he has to like fighting drinking and make ruded pervertede comments to the other gender. He didnt make any of this, he is like every one else all that he is created by some external power that we have no control over. This is how we have all been shaped by this chater creater and shaped so well that poele dont even notice.that ther are playing a role it is just what is expected of them.

The roles that pople are given are a problem too. If they where construtive ones it would be fine but the american media seems to focus on one kind of hero charters to focus on and people want to become. The heros people focus on are heros like cow boys and rodin samuerias. Yes there are conrdcitions in this that samuria means to serve and cow boyus care for whole herds but american media seemed to take that and spit it out to a charter who is alone with one object that they hold most dear (gun and sword for exsample.) they go around only for them selves in this cruel and meacless world. They follow ofthen there own hornorable creed the charters the samurias is bushido and the cowboys is shivery bible stuff. The most famous cow boys and samuria are ofthen the ones who filled out this quotea the most (maybe the reason why there so famous is because they match this charter that people see them selves being or want to be.) for exsample miamoto mushi probly one of the most famous samuria writing the book of five rings which hold a chapter called “aiming at the face.” this man in the 17th centry went around and killed 60 people. Why is this guy so famous and honered? He killed people many peole with a really big kinfe and one point beat some one to death with a wooden stick.

he beat this guy to death with 2 sticks

This repsentaion of this guy is great for buisness is every thing a true consumer needs to be. He is seen as alone and disconnected only for him self. Well that is a naristic point of view but also it is great for the fact that if I have no guilt for making any one feel like crap so I could get what I want I could buy what ever when ever and not worry. You are alone in your bubble you dont see how when you buy some pork what damge your cuaseing. Or how if some one doesnt have any money it is there fault that they are poor not any other reason and why should you help them they dont matter your a rodin cowboy. You only can care for you and your dick I mean sword. Sorry fruaden slip. But having charters like this that people want to be are decustive to them and the place they live. How can a culture bassed on the indivual ever last long how can that even be a socity? I know there is a lot to this and gender race any thing really that people can asscote with. One exsample I can think of is me how im treated because my family expects me to act like puerto rican ( I dont know what that really means) this mess of expectations and envormental stresses brought by cultural ,istutional or simpley forces give the recever I imagain some one getting shitted on a convayer belt.
i can connect to this preety well and it is that i was raised in a hispaic family every one but poeple around my age speak spainish iv'e come to next to resent it now. ive tryed mixing in to it tryed makeing myself in to that identiity but im sick of it, i wont fit. i tryed to listen to the music pretend to care over things that i never did like how to say this curse word or ask some thing ive never had to ask for even in english. after being soaked in it for most my life i think i have a good understanding of it. i mean it is kinda racist and massageist under the suit of sexy and happy when it is not. this rant i just vomited on to you screen and now your eyesn is my own personal struggle with my identity and to be cool to the poeple who know me best my family. i mean i have gotten things like " you need to tan. to look like a real puerto rican" and "how can you be puerto rican if you dont speak spainish???" why my skin color or what sounds i make out of my mouth have to do with what land mass my family came from i dont know. but i know that it is a shaping that your this race or class so you are this charter! you are that puerto rican guy! so why do you like this music or read . this evormetal bashing from all angles school , home and just any were have effected me terrmendisly. i dont really identify with a race any more like i know what im "suppose" to be and i dont like it so i do some thing else to be cool or excepted in some way so i rejected it and tryed to be some other kind of cool. i wonder what made me sick of it was it some thing else i was fed that i haven't accounted for? like a worm in some rotten pork that ate all the shit so i didnt have to??

what i was expected to be.

i could see my self as a nationlist or rather understand why i would. im sure this happens to poeple all over i mean they have a parade and it is like i feel so easy to control these poeple they will buy what ever belive what ever as long as it fits to there charter that is based racshal and nationaistlic ideals it is easy to see how they can be absobed and pulled to be what ever. i mean this is why we see some asians reading anime and blacks playing basket ball or what ever becuase they have been sold thorugh idoals of racshal ideals. maybe people are sperated by the color of an organ and are given ways to look at other people with differnt colored organs and how they should act according to poeple who are also in the same colored organ catagori. that these sepertaion do not empower but weaken and leave grips for who to control. that the reason why we see more races do other things is because it is thaught to the person that it is cool for me to do this becuase i am xyz thus i have to do this mean look at this person who is xyz like me and is cool! this is such a perfect spiral i mean if thre is a tool for marketing or capitlism . i know poeple have to have these heros jounerys but there cant just be some blank boot leg hero they have to be a puerto rican hero who still does all the same shit just in differnt ways and is just the same fucking thing. after writing this i feel mor and moer that race is so much more artifical than it orgianlly was. that it is like some wheel to control the masses with. and cool is an ascept of it .cool is just as much of a wheel if not the same one as cool?

With all these kind of charters who are selfish and see only them sleves why are people complaining about the me generition? They where created and molded by every one. And every one was molded beofre that but can any one have control over this? Should we just show people that they are wearing a mask ? Would it be mean or wroung? I dont think so maybe if people understood what maeks them tick they would better get what around them is pushing them the wroung way to a more desuctive. For exsample because of the hyper masculinte culture that americans are exposed to in this country some of the highest demgraphic of rapest is college athlets . Would chaning these expections change expections of the livle hood of people .Like my moms boy friends kid an me we have been shaped in different ways by what charter people or our envorment wants us to be. I have no control over what happens to me. What I think sucks the most is that the fact that billions of people are being shaped and lives degread to make the lifes of a few 100 better (argueably better ) could It be perpahps that the even the few hundered started to belive the lies they have been tellign? That it soon turned to some subjective truth that was shaped by them? Probly mayeb thats why it wont really stop and it seems to getting worse or less transparnet with movies like twilight and beer commericals looking aluding to a certin part the male genitals more. It is becoming less transparnet because ti si like fitting a better grip on these handles able to control people with. I also think it is like making some thing more transpaert to the blind they wont notice and maybe never will. Maybe we should show poepel these strings but would they cut them once they see them I really dont think so.

Friday, January 22, 2010

comet i want jacara to haz

cool is like an abyss that can never be reached also it is a very realitve and becuase of that there is no real abosuolete cool depending where you go.
i hope that this worked im not goos at makeing things sounds better if not im so so sorry. i like how there is why isnt every one cool thats a great idea but im thinking that cool is not that easy perphaps there is trying to be cool and being cool im like a costme that popele see the holes through like a bad holloween costume. and i thkn your point that how cool becomes cool is overall irrational cerationa nd has no circetion that is detectable. i think after Who made him cool? Why do all the girls mindlessly flutter in his direction? Its because he fits the image of what cool is.

If its sooooooo easy why aren't we all cool?

paragrpah talk about how the people who make cool like complany dont even know what there doing talk about the focus groups anD companys like nike get groups to figuer out what is cool so they could sell it. maybe you could go on to how every omne is trying to find out what is cool. that if it is this big absract idea that cool what could the main idea be is there one??

Monday, January 18, 2010

rough draft

the heros jounry is a blue print in which copperatoins and goverments used to control the masses.

hoildays are days in which poeple do actions and try there best to mmake there lives for that day match a pictuer they seen in a coloring book or some thing. there is never that much of a surprise in the sense that your day should be like xyz what ever that might mean if it is gifts , candy , giving money , fire works or what ever there is a preconviced notion on how the day should play out any thing less sucks. popele live there lives like that not just on hoil days btu also every day. they are the charter that has to act like this. that they need so say thign becuase any ting more or less wouldnt be the person or who they think they are. but to what exsample do poeple live ther lives if they had a coloring book to tell them what a certin hoilday should look like what gave them the idea of there own identity? i belive that what every one is trying to match is the heros jounery or some varation of it. that it is the fundemtanl rurbic to how popele see and want ther lives to be played out. there is almost like an ego in frueds idea but instead of being tghe senable and a counter to the id it is instead a i have to do this becuae this is "how i am expected to be". so with this sense of how you are excepted to be is there so what hoe can this be controled? is is controled? yes almost to every comerical to instiutioions to home life. from how you wher expected to act as a child to how your mom has to act with you being the child. these exceptioncome to every intreaction thata poele have with one another they giann these roles according to the situation. for instance in a lycheing some one who was a preist a mom for exsample now is playing a role from a healer or care giver to now a face in the mob that killing some body. it is all very intrechangable

rough draft

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

playing th role

this mess of expectations and envormental stresses brought by cultural ,istutional or simpley forces give the recpient

what im trying to get at is that poeple have almost constant envormental strees that shape who they are and who( what cahrters) they want to be.
i can connect to this preety well and it is that i was raised in a hispaic family every one but poeple around my age speak spainish iv'e come to next to resent it now. ive tryed mixing in to it tryed makeing myself in to that identiity but im sick of it, i wont fit. i tryed to listen to the music pretend to care over things that i never did like how to say this curse word or ask some thing ive never had to ask for even in english. after being soaked in it for most my life i think i have a good understanding of it. i mean it is kinda racist and massageist under the suit of sexy and happy when it is not. this rant i just vomited on to you screen and now your eyesn is my own personal struggle with my identity and to be cool to the poeple who know me best my family. i mean i have gotten things like " you need to tan. to look like a real puerto rican" and "how can you be puerto rican if you dont speak spainish???" why my skin color or what sounds i make out of my mouth have to do with what land mass my family came from i dont know. but i know that it is a shaping that your this race or class so you are this charter! you are that puerto rican guy! so why do you like this music or read . this evormetal bashing from all angles school , home and just any were have effected me terrmendisly. i dont really identify with a race any more like i know what im "suppose" to be and i dont like it so i do some thing else to be cool or excepted in some way so i rejected it and tryed to be some other kind of cool. i wonder what made me sick of it was it some thing else i was fed that i haven't accounted for? like a worm in some rotten pork that ate all the shit so i didnt have to??

what i was expected to be.

i could see my self as a nationlist or rather understand why i would. im sure this happens to poeple all over i mean they have a parade and it is like i feel so easy to control these poeple they will buy what ever belive what ever as long as it fits to there charter that is based racshal and nationaistlic ideals it is easy to see how they can be absobed and pulled to be what ever. i mean this is why we see some asians reading anime and blacks playing basket ball or what ever becuase they have been sold thorugh idoals of racshal ideals. maybe people are sperated by the color of an organ and are given ways to look at other people with differnt colored organs and how they should act according to poeple who are also in the same colored organ catagori. that these sepertaion do not empower but weaken and leave grips for who to control. that the reason why we see more races do other things is because it is thaught to the person that it is cool for me to do this becuase i am xyz thus i have to do this mean look at this person who is xyz like me and is cool! this is such a perfect spiral i mean if thre is a tool for marketing or capitlism . i know poeple have to have these heros jounerys but there cant just be some blank boot leg hero they have to be a puerto rican hero who still does all the same shit just in differnt ways and is just the same fucking thing. after writing this i feel mor and moer that race is so much more artifical than it orgianlly was. that it is like some wheel to control the masses with. and cool is an ascept of it .cool is just as much of a wheel if not the same one as cool.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

out line

the idea of cool is a persons abillty to make there lives into more of the heros jounrey in which they are the hero charters. (maybe could says is a person abillty to illdude us to thinking ther life fit the motif of the heros jounery)

1 get exs of jungian psycology

heros jounery in our cultuer and how poeple lives are deigished around parts they want to play.(get that chart of jouery)
jounery in our culture why do we need thing or go to places to be poeple
cow boy samuria charters
is this controllable? virginaity, acting a race,
do currnets exsamples of hero charters effect how people protey there own charter?(me batman
how do they not work and ultimatley fail. matty
who are we really????? patchs patchs and more patchs

Monday, January 4, 2010


to the best of my ability i'm going to try to use Archetypal Psychology to how i know it.
tattoos are a scar designed to pertain to the culture, with some significance (hopefully) i know they mean different things to different people. to ali jo she said it was a right of passage , my dad feels his was a drunken mistake and some feel it was some thing that they hold dear but i think there are some fundamental reasons to this besides what is usually said. tattoos, most of them at least are based mostly with the right of passage or the scare archetypes. that they the tattoos are the scare the person carries like Luke getting his hand cut off . these tattoos are a suppose to be gained through the hero's journey and can represent the entering the threshold and some realization to the person and to show some growth. maybe this is like some competition like subconsciously people are saying "i'm the hero and we in my journey! NO LOOK i'm already past the fall where in my journey!" why is there a need to have this? are we competing to be the more heroic hero? are we just trying to make our lives in to that journey by trying to force mold our experiences to some Frankenstein monster of a hero journey?
maybe people are doing a bit of all of them trying make or force experiences to match there hero archetype that they want to have. so is the hero's journey even real if we pick when we hit the threshold? have tattoos now blurred that line to make a threshold that you can now buy. you don't need to meet some old guy in a desert then his gay friends to some far away land to fight some horrible evil but now you can buy some image to pretend you did some thing similar to that. no matter what it is a tool for identifying your self and some experience you have had.
the experience you have usually have to do with your identity so by having the tattoo you are now showing "look, i'm this character". why do people have this? im thinking back in the trib days perhaps having that identity helped you surive becuase every one knew what you where doing and you served as a contributing member of the tribe. but once you get a tattoo that is stuck im sure trib times you can change your identienty from shamen to hair cleaner or what ever. but with the tatto you are stuck with the skull you got when you where in a biker gang. you cant change it you will be that biker person for ever.

will American culture ever create a sustainable and reasonable right of passage? or will it be some thing to just buy? it seems all that there is none and personally i know i have no right of passage, or one i can think of. i don't know if i should be sad about that i feel fine about it like not angry but not happy. just like sitting there. tattoos in this culture at are consumer rights of passage and identities some thing that can be slapped on with out any celebration or reason just because you happen to have the money. is this almost buyable identity a good thing? no one will die trying to murder a tiger, but if it is trying to show some transformation or growth with out there being one, are you really growing? is the contentedness of getting tattooed an adequate replacement for actual accomplishment?