Monday, April 12, 2010

treatment for movie

well i need a point were will we be going with this. if the point is to show how bad school is and how it is point less. we could begin with on the street unductral and have a grown up chater homeless out of luck bakeing almost mercyfull in the sun not caring maybe do a flash back or some thing and go to him at school whe he was younger (maybe have an adudlt looking person then transition to him in school looking at some grades that are really good *the point should be that school is notthe only thing you need to be ecomoicly sucessfull in this cultureand how the school systeam is based around complete crap.also how school being in here doesnt teach you any thing you need in this place.* any ways this kid is looking at grades pan out and maybe they sick smile and this kid who is not even look at his card but is playing with blocks and this runs up to him and knockes them over (showing he is mean and useing the frueden knocking down his penis and destroyuing his power but taking down th power of his tower of blocks) kids are in high school but poeple think this kid obseesed with blocks is dumb.this person *(not sure on gender)* walks poud and shows off and asked poeple what they got knowing they did bad maybe since we have a time frame they could beat some one or really exgrate t˙em being bad and mean like hitting poepel with chairs and make really show that they are in charge and have the power. then we can go to how they keep the power makeing fun of poeple and such and kissing the teachers ass.

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