Monday, January 4, 2010


to the best of my ability i'm going to try to use Archetypal Psychology to how i know it.
tattoos are a scar designed to pertain to the culture, with some significance (hopefully) i know they mean different things to different people. to ali jo she said it was a right of passage , my dad feels his was a drunken mistake and some feel it was some thing that they hold dear but i think there are some fundamental reasons to this besides what is usually said. tattoos, most of them at least are based mostly with the right of passage or the scare archetypes. that they the tattoos are the scare the person carries like Luke getting his hand cut off . these tattoos are a suppose to be gained through the hero's journey and can represent the entering the threshold and some realization to the person and to show some growth. maybe this is like some competition like subconsciously people are saying "i'm the hero and we in my journey! NO LOOK i'm already past the fall where in my journey!" why is there a need to have this? are we competing to be the more heroic hero? are we just trying to make our lives in to that journey by trying to force mold our experiences to some Frankenstein monster of a hero journey?
maybe people are doing a bit of all of them trying make or force experiences to match there hero archetype that they want to have. so is the hero's journey even real if we pick when we hit the threshold? have tattoos now blurred that line to make a threshold that you can now buy. you don't need to meet some old guy in a desert then his gay friends to some far away land to fight some horrible evil but now you can buy some image to pretend you did some thing similar to that. no matter what it is a tool for identifying your self and some experience you have had.
the experience you have usually have to do with your identity so by having the tattoo you are now showing "look, i'm this character". why do people have this? im thinking back in the trib days perhaps having that identity helped you surive becuase every one knew what you where doing and you served as a contributing member of the tribe. but once you get a tattoo that is stuck im sure trib times you can change your identienty from shamen to hair cleaner or what ever. but with the tatto you are stuck with the skull you got when you where in a biker gang. you cant change it you will be that biker person for ever.

will American culture ever create a sustainable and reasonable right of passage? or will it be some thing to just buy? it seems all that there is none and personally i know i have no right of passage, or one i can think of. i don't know if i should be sad about that i feel fine about it like not angry but not happy. just like sitting there. tattoos in this culture at are consumer rights of passage and identities some thing that can be slapped on with out any celebration or reason just because you happen to have the money. is this almost buyable identity a good thing? no one will die trying to murder a tiger, but if it is trying to show some transformation or growth with out there being one, are you really growing? is the contentedness of getting tattooed an adequate replacement for actual accomplishment?

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