Sunday, January 24, 2010

it is rushed but alot

the story of the heros jounery is a blue print by which poeple live there lives and coperations and goverment expolit ,munipulate and commdify this life script.
warning (this may not be in liner fashion might be like derrick jenson tangents sorry please work with me here.)should i double space it???

hoildays are days in which poeple do actions and try there best to mmake there
lives for that day match a pictuer they seen in a coloring book or some thing. there is never that much of a surprise in the sense that your day should be like xyz what ever that might mean if it is gifts , candy , giving money , fire works or what ever there is a preconviced notion on how the day should play out any thing less sucks. popele live there lives like that not just on hoil days btu also every day. they are the charter that has to act like this. that they need so say thign becuase any ting more or less wouldnt be the person or who they think they are. but to what exsample do poeple live ther lives if they had a coloring book to tell them what a certin hoilday should look like what gave them the idea of there own identity? i belive that what every one is trying to match is the heros jounery or some varation of it. that it is the fundemtanl rurbic to how popele see and want ther lives to be played out. there is almost like an ego in frueds idea but instead of being tghe senable and a counter to the id it is instead a i have to do this becuae this is "how i am expected to be". so with this sense of how you are excepted to be is there so what hoe can this be controled? is controled? yes almost to every comerical to instiutioions to home life. from how you wher expected to act as a child to how your mom has to act with you being the child. these exceptioncome to every intreaction thata poele have with one another they giann these roles according to the situation. for instance in a lycheing some one who was a preist a mom for exsample now is playing a role from a healer or care giver to now a face in the mob that killing some these roles change but hardly can they be so intrechangable and accpeted. roles are being alomost store bought and we are given ways that a person with those things would act. with adversitments which is almost all forms of media i could think of right now. for exsample when males see some sought of alpha male a sniper or a wreasler they want to some how be able to protray thta charter which is lets say lack of empathy or really big mucsles. but it is more then just the charters that people play it is how they try to shape there experinces to shape them.

days like birth or giving birth are major points in our culture and maybe some others but many share this therehold point where a person becomes part of the sonity or an productive memeber of there village/city/culvasack or what ever. but my point here is that poele plan and shape there experices to what kind of charter they want to be or where they feel they are on the heros jounery. but by shaping there experices and knowing about the experice and prepareing for it also maybe acting like the older poele who went thorugh it is it still an experice that will have the attended effect? so is this thereshold still needed? or even in function any more? if it does or not i dont think it matters it seems that threshold are now buying products like beer, tattoes or college. i belive that copertions like viacome and time waner make movies where a bunch of college kids doing dumb things becuase that is the frame to the therehold of the heros jounery.what im trying to say is that companys create this thereshold (by movies books or some other expection) then use that to exploit by have commericals for a product like beer match that view of younge poeple drinking beer and haveing fun in some dark room. these expoiltions shape how people want to live there days to all around life another personal exsample is my moms boyfriends son was saying how it would be fun seeing my cousin drunk. why would he say that so randomly to some one he doesnt know? poeple arent always nice when there drunk i mean many poeple are violent and some times self descutive i mean i know some one who beat his 60 year old dad becuase he was angry at him and drunk. its safe to say since he never beat his dad sober probly the heavy amounte of achole helped . so why did he say that he would like to see some one he never met drunk? i thnk beacuse the exsample he has been preexposed to more then likely have been just movies like i said before those college movies that are just about partying. while i have had exsample of poepel being drunk and descutive , all he has provly seen is people being funny and happy drunk. Because of this I bet that he will grow up more likely to drink since he asccoited being a age, drinking and silly happyness all in one. The achleo companys have created a customers with out him ever having a drink. Se lets break down what we know he is a boy 13 years old and is has had his charter created and what he is going to be when he gets of age. He is a guy so he has to like fighting drinking and make ruded pervertede comments to the other gender. He didnt make any of this, he is like every one else all that he is created by some external power that we have no control over. This is how we have all been shaped by this chater creater and shaped so well that poele dont even notice.that ther are playing a role it is just what is expected of them.

The roles that pople are given are a problem too. If they where construtive ones it would be fine but the american media seems to focus on one kind of hero charters to focus on and people want to become. The heros people focus on are heros like cow boys and rodin samuerias. Yes there are conrdcitions in this that samuria means to serve and cow boyus care for whole herds but american media seemed to take that and spit it out to a charter who is alone with one object that they hold most dear (gun and sword for exsample.) they go around only for them selves in this cruel and meacless world. They follow ofthen there own hornorable creed the charters the samurias is bushido and the cowboys is shivery bible stuff. The most famous cow boys and samuria are ofthen the ones who filled out this quotea the most (maybe the reason why there so famous is because they match this charter that people see them selves being or want to be.) for exsample miamoto mushi probly one of the most famous samuria writing the book of five rings which hold a chapter called “aiming at the face.” this man in the 17th centry went around and killed 60 people. Why is this guy so famous and honered? He killed people many peole with a really big kinfe and one point beat some one to death with a wooden stick.

he beat this guy to death with 2 sticks

This repsentaion of this guy is great for buisness is every thing a true consumer needs to be. He is seen as alone and disconnected only for him self. Well that is a naristic point of view but also it is great for the fact that if I have no guilt for making any one feel like crap so I could get what I want I could buy what ever when ever and not worry. You are alone in your bubble you dont see how when you buy some pork what damge your cuaseing. Or how if some one doesnt have any money it is there fault that they are poor not any other reason and why should you help them they dont matter your a rodin cowboy. You only can care for you and your dick I mean sword. Sorry fruaden slip. But having charters like this that people want to be are decustive to them and the place they live. How can a culture bassed on the indivual ever last long how can that even be a socity? I know there is a lot to this and gender race any thing really that people can asscote with. One exsample I can think of is me how im treated because my family expects me to act like puerto rican ( I dont know what that really means) this mess of expectations and envormental stresses brought by cultural ,istutional or simpley forces give the recever I imagain some one getting shitted on a convayer belt.
i can connect to this preety well and it is that i was raised in a hispaic family every one but poeple around my age speak spainish iv'e come to next to resent it now. ive tryed mixing in to it tryed makeing myself in to that identiity but im sick of it, i wont fit. i tryed to listen to the music pretend to care over things that i never did like how to say this curse word or ask some thing ive never had to ask for even in english. after being soaked in it for most my life i think i have a good understanding of it. i mean it is kinda racist and massageist under the suit of sexy and happy when it is not. this rant i just vomited on to you screen and now your eyesn is my own personal struggle with my identity and to be cool to the poeple who know me best my family. i mean i have gotten things like " you need to tan. to look like a real puerto rican" and "how can you be puerto rican if you dont speak spainish???" why my skin color or what sounds i make out of my mouth have to do with what land mass my family came from i dont know. but i know that it is a shaping that your this race or class so you are this charter! you are that puerto rican guy! so why do you like this music or read . this evormetal bashing from all angles school , home and just any were have effected me terrmendisly. i dont really identify with a race any more like i know what im "suppose" to be and i dont like it so i do some thing else to be cool or excepted in some way so i rejected it and tryed to be some other kind of cool. i wonder what made me sick of it was it some thing else i was fed that i haven't accounted for? like a worm in some rotten pork that ate all the shit so i didnt have to??

what i was expected to be.

i could see my self as a nationlist or rather understand why i would. im sure this happens to poeple all over i mean they have a parade and it is like i feel so easy to control these poeple they will buy what ever belive what ever as long as it fits to there charter that is based racshal and nationaistlic ideals it is easy to see how they can be absobed and pulled to be what ever. i mean this is why we see some asians reading anime and blacks playing basket ball or what ever becuase they have been sold thorugh idoals of racshal ideals. maybe people are sperated by the color of an organ and are given ways to look at other people with differnt colored organs and how they should act according to poeple who are also in the same colored organ catagori. that these sepertaion do not empower but weaken and leave grips for who to control. that the reason why we see more races do other things is because it is thaught to the person that it is cool for me to do this becuase i am xyz thus i have to do this mean look at this person who is xyz like me and is cool! this is such a perfect spiral i mean if thre is a tool for marketing or capitlism . i know poeple have to have these heros jounerys but there cant just be some blank boot leg hero they have to be a puerto rican hero who still does all the same shit just in differnt ways and is just the same fucking thing. after writing this i feel mor and moer that race is so much more artifical than it orgianlly was. that it is like some wheel to control the masses with. and cool is an ascept of it .cool is just as much of a wheel if not the same one as cool?

With all these kind of charters who are selfish and see only them sleves why are people complaining about the me generition? They where created and molded by every one. And every one was molded beofre that but can any one have control over this? Should we just show people that they are wearing a mask ? Would it be mean or wroung? I dont think so maybe if people understood what maeks them tick they would better get what around them is pushing them the wroung way to a more desuctive. For exsample because of the hyper masculinte culture that americans are exposed to in this country some of the highest demgraphic of rapest is college athlets . Would chaning these expections change expections of the livle hood of people .Like my moms boy friends kid an me we have been shaped in different ways by what charter people or our envorment wants us to be. I have no control over what happens to me. What I think sucks the most is that the fact that billions of people are being shaped and lives degread to make the lifes of a few 100 better (argueably better ) could It be perpahps that the even the few hundered started to belive the lies they have been tellign? That it soon turned to some subjective truth that was shaped by them? Probly mayeb thats why it wont really stop and it seems to getting worse or less transparnet with movies like twilight and beer commericals looking aluding to a certin part the male genitals more. It is becoming less transparnet because ti si like fitting a better grip on these handles able to control people with. I also think it is like making some thing more transpaert to the blind they wont notice and maybe never will. Maybe we should show poepel these strings but would they cut them once they see them I really dont think so.

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