Sunday, February 7, 2010

movie project

what did i want poeple to walk away knowing after seeing my movie?
i wanted them to see that cool the same thing and from differnt times and even though it might look difffent it is filling out the same function.what changes is the time and what filles out that function of cool. usally it is the same thing just painted differnt either with black nationalism some thing else.

how was the process of it? how did you go about to do what you did?
well i teamed up with russe we made tons of movies before and he edits better than any one i know he consideres things i dont even think about and never would.he really helps with the tech things like how things sound and how a shot should be get what ever point i want to get across. also how i tend to make sceans is not to particalluar it is mostly improve. must a conpect charters and we work out the rest. i know in a beining of a scean what each charters want i tell the other actors and they improve it. the popeple i needed for this movie are always poepe who can think on there toes and do not need much dircetion just enough to get the scean going and they can run away with the charters. kareem and kevin did great at that also put in alot of ideas to the techinal and how scenaces should be shot. so this was like a very well aimed mess.

do you like art projects
i prefer them then any other kind of project i learn alot about my own ideas and other peoples. i have them challneged as well whcihc a paper cant do. also it is fun to play around and make funny thins on camera.also it is a freez frame of you and poeple around you in the time you are in a paper is just some essay you created a movie is those ideas plus your world and you can always add more like with the editing music or som thing else in to it. also i was thining it is alot more univerisal any one can watch an get it is and with the kind of points that are being made maybe it would be good for poeple to want to watch some thing so they may get and see a real exsample of it ( being what ever that idea may be. ) i think makeing movies is bettter then a paper i find more creativly challaning and alot more rewarding seeing the finshed project.

oh here it is.

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