Sunday, February 21, 2010

hey eric

whats your gernal feeling of school ?
i used to like it it now im just like ehhhh not you know (thats good eric) wha ok

why did you like it?
a few you want one? ooh ok
1.) well i got to meet new poepel and be with poeple and know them ?
2) i would share stuff with them and feel like a was part of some thing like a(a trib) yeah thats it!
what do you feel about schooling can you you see your life with out it or better yet can imagain not haveing school?
i can imagin you guys teaching me. i mean i learnded more from you guys than at school.
what do you feel about the process of schooling?
it feels very superfiacal like hallow. even like teachers make cliches with students and if your not in one you are left astra and burried.

my mom.
so you went thorugh school was it worth it?
yes hmm yes.
i learned. i wasnt learning any where else my mom had no edcuation so i couldn t learn any thing any where else.
are you fine with the systeam we have today?
but it did its job?
for me my own reason i had poeple who cared or me and offerd me alot and even the school seceratary helped me alot
now it seems that the teachers arent able to put time to teach,it seems that therye not getting the resorces they need even though where paying more taxs in to it. it is all most that the school systeam is coppurt. it is like a con a game a poilitacle systeam. it is not the students. it is about the testing it is ways to get funding there/. and parnets have to pay out of there pockets for assitdent teacher air condicnshing one year and ever year we pay for some thing. this is not a public school. the focus isnt on the childern but funding for adminashaters and super indentis. i think that times have changed and we havent changed the way school its sturcured there isnt any rrom for these kids. they times have changed kids arnt aloud to play and be phyiscal they dont let them be kids they have play in the street and instead they should have a real gym class and move and be in the sun. also they have the kids wake up way to early. in the old days when kids where farmers it made sense kids where up early to help the cows or what ever and went to school and got to school early so they can do there chores before dark. it was sent up for farming thats why summers where off. we dfo not leave in that socity any more! at least in urban schools or suburban hours should change to reflect there life styles maybe have 10 o clock so parnets can eat with there kids instead of this constant rush. kids leanr better later in the day.
both parnets work and it puts a burden on the family dynamics the parnets ffeel like crap. thats how they create latch key kids. and the public school should relize that the nulcear family has changed and the public school ed should change with it to support it and be apartner to support and help a family instead of burdening it and creating more problems. lets say kids who do extra cuirrcle activies some times they put them in times where poeple cant leave work it is like why? we leave in a time where parnets has to decide not get paid to atend a school event no one should be forced to make that dechsion and the school looks down at the parnets as thought he parnets doesnt care about the childs education when in fact the parnets is just trying to put food on the on the table and that is a real choice the parnets have to make. they have things in the morning 12 or 1 at jobs they dont GIVE a shit. they say if you go they say if you go im going to fire you or not pay you. and they dont take you seriuorly later on or some thing it effects you at work. making life harder for you and your child. it doesnt mean you dont care it means that you being forced to make a choice giveing the sircumstance you have to suppoert your family.
if they changed the hours to match what is going on in socity.
it would prepare kids for working too to havbe the kids at 9l. the younger it was worse. i had to take you and the amounte of pursure put on a family to acomadante an acrchic systeam.

well my mom really took alot there so im going to sythiese now. they where differnt in there experices in school like my brother learns more out side of school than in it and my mother is the oppiste. maybe it is the envormient that they are in that shapes if there curoius and if at home they get that curousty fed. my brother has our family and im always yelling at him new ideas i made up or new things i learned. my mothers home probly wasnt like that she did have 7 sisters and brothers and a single mommy who didnt have much if any education. hre oms job was cleaning offices she had a very strong spainsh acsent and was subjected to alot of racism. so ,maybe that why couldnt have her own curioust becuase she was so busy trying to keep the home a flot. like becuase of this it hindered her from her own curioust becuase she had no time to. also both of them do not like it. i talked to some one who has liked our systeam now and thought it shouldnt make any changes. if no one likes it why is it stuck like this? also both have notice some corpution in the class room and how the systeam is run as a whole. 9it seems that it has turnd more from education to being in control of money or groups i a class.

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