Monday, February 8, 2010


three of the most fascinating aspects about school?

that kids are youngst and have more engery that they will ever have in there lives are forced to sit down and do nothing

kevery one waits and no one likes it also know one learns any thing that they remember. they even make game shows on it like are you smarter than a 5th grader where poeple see if they know the meaningless crap that 5th graders know. like whats a conjuction.

is it made to break poeple?

why is it that home schoolers do better in school when they only have there own resorces and not a citys? whats better about home schooling then public or private schooling?

if a 7 year old wants not to go to school why take them? what would they do if they dont go? want to go to the park play with toys with other kids?

what does school do? is it a day care becuase adults in this country work more than most others?

why do we consider poeple smart when they get high grade numbers when it is not about being smart?

so first off the bat i have to say i do not like schooling in this factory model. my expericeance hasn't been good.ive been held back , made fun of by students and teachers alike. what sums up school i think is waiting to wait so i can wait then hopelyfully die. this is not a pro life systeam where poeple feel fofilled and meaning full the most any one gets is some crappy number that somes up you whole existnace in that pariclur class. even in this isn't meauring any thing but poeple are all over it we are thought to be obessed with those numbers it is good to be when it is not. it is horrible to try to gain some expectance to some one who wont care about you and dont care even now. see most teachers this is job not there lives kids are thought this is you life thats it. why are they surpirsed when kids kill them sleves over school and why dont they do some thing about it??

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