Monday, January 18, 2010

rough draft

the heros jounry is a blue print in which copperatoins and goverments used to control the masses.

hoildays are days in which poeple do actions and try there best to mmake there lives for that day match a pictuer they seen in a coloring book or some thing. there is never that much of a surprise in the sense that your day should be like xyz what ever that might mean if it is gifts , candy , giving money , fire works or what ever there is a preconviced notion on how the day should play out any thing less sucks. popele live there lives like that not just on hoil days btu also every day. they are the charter that has to act like this. that they need so say thign becuase any ting more or less wouldnt be the person or who they think they are. but to what exsample do poeple live ther lives if they had a coloring book to tell them what a certin hoilday should look like what gave them the idea of there own identity? i belive that what every one is trying to match is the heros jounery or some varation of it. that it is the fundemtanl rurbic to how popele see and want ther lives to be played out. there is almost like an ego in frueds idea but instead of being tghe senable and a counter to the id it is instead a i have to do this becuae this is "how i am expected to be". so with this sense of how you are excepted to be is there so what hoe can this be controled? is is controled? yes almost to every comerical to instiutioions to home life. from how you wher expected to act as a child to how your mom has to act with you being the child. these exceptioncome to every intreaction thata poele have with one another they giann these roles according to the situation. for instance in a lycheing some one who was a preist a mom for exsample now is playing a role from a healer or care giver to now a face in the mob that killing some body. it is all very intrechangable

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ian. It seems that your main point is about how the system exploits and commodifies the landmarks of archetypal life journeys. You could rewrite your thesis as "Archetypes are the blueprint by which the powerful control the powerless." OR you could say, "Dismantling archetypes (the cool pose) can help to destroy power structures". These probably don't reflect the true idea you are trying to convey, but maybe you can mention these ideas as separate paragraphs, rather than spotlighting them as your thesis.

    If I were you, I would spend a while in my essay discussing how archetypes are used to keep us disempowered, in line and under control. Archetypes placate our egos, ameliorate the inevitable boredom and apparent insignificance of our situation and give us a sense of importance. These things hypnotize us (kind of like System Of a Down talks about) and blinds us into complying with the desires of a powerful few. A 15 year old Hispanic woman is the life of the party at her Quinceanera and she feels special in her poofy dress, but this purity ritual is actually an invasive example of patriarchal, incestuous and perverted misogyny. Is the fetishization of female sexual subservience in Hispanic culture worth the woman's temporary deluge of self importance? Do they really feel that self importance in the first place? You're more familiar than I am with these kinds of examples, so please correct and amend my statements when I'm wrong or unclear about something. These are just some examples of ideas that would strengthen your paper, if I am indeed interpreting your premise correctly.

    As always, tidy up spelling and grammar. You have a unique and non-linear writing style, but it would be in the interest of the people reading your blog that you work on the clarity and fluidity of your writing. Not everyone speaks "Ian". :P <3

    Another way you could strengthen your paper is to add headlines to your paragraphs. If a specific passage is about the "Hero's Journey", label it in boldface.

    Also, always make sure your examples tie back in some way to your thesis. We all have this annoying tendency to go on tangents without ever bridging the connection back to our original idea. This sucks because we spend alot of effort climbing out on the thin limb of a tangent, only to fall to the ground below without any kind of padding. Add some "padding" to the end of your body paragraphs to make sure your readers are left comfortable with your tangents.

    I'm excited to listen as you read me your final draft on the phone tonight as I'm dozing. Love you.
