Monday, March 15, 2010


this is my college essay thing i did about education. i think it has good points it is really kiss assy and edited by ali jo alot but it is still good and shows my feeling on liberal arts a little.

What does a liberal arts education mean to you? Why do you want to pursue your degree at Eugene Lang College?

My idea of liberal arts is it is more general and it is not specialize people to a certain type skill or education, but liberal arts focuses more on developing the thinking and intellectual processes of students. To me this is not becoming a robot programed to do one thing to instead take what I learn and not just use it in the work place but also in my day to day living. I feel liberal arts is real learning. many other forms of eduction teach how to regurgitate things said to you before. I don"t want that, that is not in anyway an education but a new program. So when your asked a question all you have to do is remember that information. Liberal arts teaches how to think and in many way forces you to think which is something many schools from k to 12 do not teach. Education should focus more on intellectual thinking and not the "save this in your hard drive!" attitude that education has had for now. there is a quote that I think sums it up "You have nothing to say and no way to say it but you can say it in three languages." Liberal art I think breaks this and allows students the opportunity to learn many things about not only the world but ourselves. The point is that they will have some thing to say and not just throw up information. Eugene Lang will be the place where I will learn how to think and to say some thing that I thought of and to say it, share it and probably have with other people doing the same thing and learning from them. In a small class and sharing a room with them for while I'd like to see who they are and what they think. many schools do not have that intimacy and it is almost privilege to know who you are sitting next to they probably have great things to say. Most schools there is a disconnect with other students and it is like they are alienating people which is an environment I do not want to be in or take part in.
Thinking is some thing seldom done that I know Eugene Lang teaches how to think in an environment where you know who is talking and who is who. Really I would matter in the class I wouldn't be another person just sitting there I would be part of some thing and what I would say some thing that would affect the class. This is such a great thing because I think that many people feel so unimportant and insignificant (I do too) that having this where people would listen to them I can't pass that up. This is some thing I would love and I know I will flourish in this environment.

even though i say alot of good things about it i still feel a school is a school it is trying to change some thing a little when there is a really big problem. if they really wanted to get a new kind or a better type of education shouldnt it be better to get the school part out. not haveing an instiuion that is run like ti was 100 years ago . like no matter how deep you are in a lake your still wett liberal arts is near the surface but it is wet . to leave this lake of schooling and beocme dry of it you need to leave the lake out right. i feel schooling is not true education. educaion means "the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life." schooling isnt learning but instilliing nothing but temporaly facts.

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