Saturday, October 31, 2009

out line

* the idea im trying to get across is that we are being raised to be consumers and like cattle we are farmed hered in forms of what to buy and our roles in socity.

the digtalztion has become a major tool to futher change our vaules to make us better fatter more complacent cattle."

intro: i want to say how digtalztion has become the storngist and more dominate becuase it is a dirceted consumer techknowlgy meanign there is no commericals no waiting for shows to go on you go and get what you want. and in a age where desire are more controlling then needs this can be used to controll and at the same time loose control but to stop from loosing control. and in what ways are we being controled.

1.) roles.) since we are younge we are given roles from what we eat to (ex every one assumes ali made me not eat meat any more becuase guys are suppose to like meat and steak and shit that will kill them.) how guys must be strong be able to rape people and rapest traits are favored my men and women. also with that we become easyier to sell to becuse we are more likely to buy to prove shitty roles. and look like some thing that has been shoved down our thortsever sine we where little (transforming a rape cultuer) in what ways is the didtalztion pushing this on us.
2.) heros and last person that should say that to you. poeple who kids and adults look up to and want to be adversies some times suttly or loudly other things so we could further be indoctined. we all want to be our heros or try to be so when they say some thing poeple would be more likely to like that too. and but likeing that they are now learning there roles quicker and become better consumers.(ex hannah montanna, rappers that adverstiese the american dream, wreaslers who advertise) the heros poeple like are usally just good farm animals if you could imagine. how is all this digital going to put this in to hyper drive
3.) what then? where fucked but how bad. exsample of how lies and how our freedoms are being taken much have we been messed up. ex( the expeted terriost, the exstance of alqueda, how law makers are getting away with alot.)( how helpless people feel) the way potlical partys are shaping reality ex( dinosours with saddles. ban of books.) death panles and rating. information polluition regreate bull shit.

Monday, October 26, 2009

how is this helping us.

this is intersting. this is a differnt view then i have usally heard. ive seen things like how games where ypu shoot things are good before you take a test. but never that the whole internet and digtal revoultion is good. i mean now i think about it i learned alot thourgh tv and th internet that alot of poeple would say are meaningfull but there is a more to it then what i have read od steven johnsons book so far. i agree that what poeple are doing now is alot more complex and demanding then before and requires alot know how to lets say make an email or create a web site. but i think a good analogy of this is poeple are putting thougter a gaint jig saw puzzle to make a picter of donkey balls. like it is complex but what most poeple are doing with this comlex process is for dumb stuff. for exsample i know a large percent of the internet is porn i think 5 percent. im not sure but to have 5% of the whole internet be any one thing is alot and it is not a smart thing that poeple look up and use the complex machines to find complex things to further understand and learn in the world we are in no they use the coplex machine to get off to some pictures of naked people.
this is like feed where poeple are using a massive interconnected mental networking device to talk about some show or some stupid product they where told to get. like it is complex it takes an understanding of alot to get and have a net work like feed does like the internet today but how poeple use it is bad. like if titus used it to look up some thing like tibeten medatation and try it and learn some thing but he didnt and didnt even want to he was more concerned about his up car or the lesons. also i think that people need to see how to use the inernt all most like maybe have ways we could filter it and use it for good things to make us smarter, nicer aware, better people.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

make my own

algory observations
what i thing anderson did was to make a frame that would hold his message. for animal farm a story of a pig and in this one a story of a boys life in thsi world and the tragery in voilet. but the real guts is in what vouilet says and the setting which i think paint a great picture of andersons message instead of saying it blatenly. i would like to do this for my message but i dont know how and if i tryed i might suck at it and give it away or never getting it clear enough. i would like to do that insteaad of a paper i've tons of papers for classes never a peice of art i think it would be chllanging and fun but i think it will take alot of time to make it right. if i where to make it it would be better to make sotry then just a picture im better at drawing than writing. but it would be nice to make a story and allagory that i would like and teach people stuff and message i would like poeple to understand. see if i where to do it i would need help making it so poepel would get my message and it to be in english.

Monday, October 19, 2009


feed was a great aloagory to todays very digital and desperie world. over all the constant tragey that we live in. from the langue the fashions he very distorted vuales that our socoity holds. voilet charter i think is the one to connect our word and theres and some times i was thinking of that this was not a trying to parrple but was talking idmeataly about our world and wasnt dressed up in the alagory suit. this line when voilet is talking about music on page 101" music is marketing. they have list of key changes that get thirtee n year olds screaming . there is no differnce between a song and an advertising jingle anymore. " this line was said by voilet and was just like today where there is no exessgresstion like how anderson descirbes the envorment is not so much like to day but i think is more of a warning how for exsample the oceans will be how we treat it contuies .when tius and voilet go to the beach they have to wear hazard suits. so some connections i think are right on the target others arent but are not trying to be.
the traeeryi think are well done and almost every one in this book is a tragery like voilets father who had been deformed from a techknowlgy that he hates. also how he seems to be one of the poeple seeing every thing go to shit and no one listens or cares and even voilet wants " to hide him in a closet." how when hearig titus dad was coming i thought ok the old world is here and some thign that would be good o see and set his ass striaght. and no his dad was just like him. the tragies in this are alot and keep going. one very vivd image was when the clerk was talking about how heused the spot light and saw " blck goo" that soon turned in to rochets that coverd there homes. i think that this is our lives the whole mess. how there is this unwilling and unknowing how the feed is controlling every one and them selves.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


i think you have a great exsample of life in the digtal and how every thing we do is some how suplmented by some thing digtal.

what i notice was you where always mutitaksing for most of it. like talking to some one while in the computer on the i pod while doign home work. i think you did a ever honest view in to this. also when you said it looked natrual it does i mean for alot of poeple i think it is alot like what it is with you. ( soy milk taste great!) i never had it with that ceral though. any way i think you where right that this does make a unnatrual view on some thing we are looking to see if how it is natrually so it is self defeating but out of most i saw yours looked the most natural you didnt seem to know the camera was there and thats great if i had to giev you an award it would be to have the most natural looking video in the world.
i like you pointeded out how you felt about the digtal things that it isnt as bad but i would say like i dont do as much as my brothe which he does is like 10 hours so i mean just becuase it is not as much i dont think it is good. i dont know your brother or mothers times but i mean i dont know what ever works for you.
i liked you video alot and thanks for not stareing at the camera like i did for a while and you rock.
October 3, 2009 9:34 AM