Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ooo!!!!oo!

Untitled from ian garica on Vimeo.

* What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?

well i laughing was my first reaction. i realized i was multitasking alot and i couldnt just sit there. also how i mae phyiscal reactions to stuff happening in a fake world like i leaned in alot and got upset to a game so it has real effects from a fake thing.

When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?
sad like im sitting there for hours doing nothing really moving my fingers really fast and cursing at a screen. so i think it sucks i could be doing some thing else like running some where or createing things but i didnt i sat down looked at a screen and got stressed out. also now thinking so many other poeple do te same thing i was playing with people doing thr same thing prepahps longer. i just think i need some thing better to do with my time.

Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
well no i relly wouldnt but i think it is going to get worse prephaps people will teach classes and work just on the screens and do everything from a computer. so would it be a disadvatage if i did that to them? my brother already spends wholes days on the computer so it might bhe working for him i dont know but i dont think so.

What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?
well the drd is running haveing fun jumping and geting shot at in some alien world with a bunch of other people. im sitting on my ass leaning back and forward gettting angry. so i think it is like im living a meaning full life on the screen and in real life not living a real life. so it is like by me playing these games i become as meaningless as them and the game charter becomes meaningfull.

What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?
well yeah and no we will be moving and be part of it but it might turn in to a poeple haveing just a day on the wii and not really interacting with poeple thourgh the wii. now microsoft is makeing a new systeam like a wii but there is a person that will interact with you it and you will be having a virtal friend thing and play by your self maybe with poeple but it is a shame that we are now living life thorugh these computers. here a link to that natal thing

time spet on the internet and digtal things the others

time spent on the inerent seems to have increaed alot since all these old people are always saying "well back in mt day" so how much more are poeple spending on the computer to others thigns like work, shopping , playing and other things. also how could this be effecting there social lives?

i found this chart showing time on the interent and how it may increase in social isolstion. prephaps the old poeple are sayign back in my day we would be alone for so many hours on a machine. it is not being out side as much as to being alone in a room looking at pictures of things. also this web site compares the internet things people do to other things like work here is a chart about the social isolustion.

i got this from

another worry poeple have is that this isoulation have an impilaction on there social well being and if they are being prepaped for aspects in life that will come later or adult lives. this makes sense and that they are compareing thier own child hood to they kids of today.

i went to yahoo answers and got this for the question The internet is harmful to children?

You should also add the inability to socialise in person, or deal with 'real life' encounters, brave behind the keyboard but not learning to interact in a meaningful non abbreviated way with fellow human beings.

Of course that really cant be said for all teens who use the internet but you could add it to your list of reasons.

OH- that kids have no patience anymore- everything is 'instant', there is no researching or waiting.... they just go to yahoo answers or sites like wikipedia for instant info...;p

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

how the digtal effects interview

i would like to note that my brother is soooo fucking drawn to his computer he doesn't know I'm here i made noise and still he is oblivious to me or where i am. i want to interview him because he is what i feel is what happens when the digital repersention goes wrong.

me: how do you feel about the digitization on people why do you send all night on a computer whats up!?

eric um i spend all night i don't know why i got nothing else better to do. and why people do i dont know they stay up looking for stuff finding

is that what you do?

eric: well yeah

ian: so your nurteral with digitization

eric: yeah
ian: well why what makes is good and bad and where would you say you are scale in over doing it. and you know what are some things you would make good if you could.

ericoh i never thought what was good i just knew it was.i guees wher sharing ideas and fashion. and some damn oh im sorry. ummm share ( put cat on lap). for your other question i would say im on the scale of being over digitalized as a 9 or a 8.5 probly a 7 on a scale of 10 being the highest. and how to make them good crap i dont know im stumped.

ian: should we just drop it then since theres no good and we cant make any good as you said kinda.

eric: well no because i think theres i uh i dont uh. we can share

ok stop do you feel it is ruining our culture where instead of meeting this person we just ask to be there friend or there some super far way trinket that would of needed to be found and have a story is now a click away. is it ruining culture and making every thing no longer authentic.

eric: uh no but yeah thats a hard one. well you know you uh,

ian :ok do you feel that instead of meeting tribs who made these things and there was a real jounry to get an item or be some ones friend is now like just a click away and is taking away expericeces and replacing them?

eric: taking away there wroth is bad and there authenticity.and meaning but it depends as in before. maybe how things move and prepares buying from ebay will be just as good.

ian: seriously? going to a meet a person or going to japan or some thing to get a sword or some holy item will replaced by ebay.

eric: yeahhhhh no only i'm saying that maybe in the future going to web site will be like the new crazy thing

i got some werid answers and so i dont think they where really thought out though im going to do better i think with my mom. but i did get him to think.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

comments to others

this is to francesca:

hey Francesca well right off im going to say how digital world has changed how people not only see it but it is changed there lives is great i mean i really dont remember ever sending a letter in my life and how letters is now done threw the mail systeam are mostly advertisment or bills also i never got i letter really. no i did it was mt uncles idea for us to think that my grand ma was mailing us letters from the dead. any way i like how you showed how this all changed not really sure for the better i mean it is convient for you not to have to walk to a mail box but your out side and your right this convince is cause alot of things that were cruial to knowing (like to read a clock) do you feel this convinance has created it self to be more important then it really is? if people continue with this convince driven life styles how much more do you feel will be forgotten? i for instance cant do long divsion i never learned and now i use computers to do that for me also to spell for me if it can do that. oh and there is a law called moores law i think it says that computer power doubles every year. so your feeling every second is pretty acurrate. so great job i really got you perceive on this and i dont know lets see if people could survive lets take a bunch of people and trow them in a forest and see how it goes

this is to jacara:

hi jacaraara!
this is a great post, and i like that you kept adding more and more when you got more ideas. it's like a post in progress. that shows yuo have intracate thinking patterns.
i think your thesis is that we have evolved to become overly depedent on technology becuase we feel pressured to go in a certain direction. we fear that if we halt the progress then we will revert back to a primitive state and lose status.
this connects to moore's law which states that computer chips will double in power every 2 years. some poeple think this is a naturaly occuring law but others think it's a clever business strategy. moore's law would prove your point because it would show that manufacturers are stepping up the technolgy in order to maintain an image and also to make profit.
it would be intersting to hear you elaborate on what exactly you think would happen if we were to hit the brakes on technology. could you project 3 scenarios: going back to a more "amish" way of life, stopping where we are, and develping technology even further. i want to know what you think because i'm not sure what would happen in those cases.
i wonder how happy i would be if i kept all my appliances for the rest of my life and didn't upgrade them. i could probaby be very happy but i wonder if i would feel the pressure you are describing?
write more and keep expanding your thoughts!
hug! -ian

Sunday, September 13, 2009

digitalization (another draft)

well thinking about this whole thing i first think what is it like to be in the digital world whats going on? what i notice is i dont remember any moments like how i remember moments with real people. for exsample when play a video game i remember the story and some of the people i played with but i dont remember it like if i was with people in real life like where we ate where we went and even things said that in a game would be forgotten really soon. i notice we loose touch with whats going on with our selves like if sat on a chair for two hours i kinda notice " ok my legs asleep, im breathing thorough my nose, im blinking etc" but when watching a show or a game it seem you are not there any more but in what ever your eyes are watching. but there is some good such as the mass communication, i talked to people from spain, Australia, switzerland and Germany. i learned some things from these people some more useful then others but it is if i never ran in to playing a game with them. now i think about it alots been significant there was this kid in jersey that i convinced him that Einstein was mentally disabled and was really a mascot for a team of professors. and me and kyle got him to see how he is like really sadly not in touch with things that matter and i think 4 hours later he said he would read a book and decided it would be stiff. so there was good done there but that does not happen much. i think it is like sperateing people from whats going on in the world to another world where there is not much to bother you and every thing is working out in a better fashion where you dont get tierd from talking to 564643 poeple at once. you are allowed to be you but with out you.
what i mean by this is you can create a holographic identity for yourself without ever having to show your physical side. this is intersting becuase you are creating two different halves of your identiy. there's the "you" (or meat) self which you use to interact with the tangible world and the "you without you" that you use to live out concepts and fantasies. thanks for reading i love you.

Friday, September 11, 2009

