Tuesday, May 18, 2010

parneting 101

parneting this is hard to do. i mean there are so many ways to be a parnet and what is good or bad all i can think of is the out comes. i have never been a parnet really got a vague idea of what it means to be a parnet and what is the right thing to do. all i know is the result and some disscussions i have had with people about the same thing. what i notice is that rarely do poeple think that they where raised right and usally the poeple that do think that they where raised right are more likely not to have been. so what are they compareing their child hood to that makes it worse? maybe a good question would of been like how it is to be raised right or what could had your parnets hove done to make it better?
my dads experance of being raised was like getting hit alot by his mom and really not fun. i think alot of the time his aunts thought he would turn in to a serial killer but it is like the polar oppitsite of good of the really messed up child hood. ill ask him later to tell me some crazy stories like some thing how he got trown down stairs or some thing ill see.

Monday, May 17, 2010


how are same sex friend groups similar to tribal interactions?

in what ways do same sex groups behave like our understanding of tribal interactions?

how can same sex friend groups be compared to tribs and how we belive they behave?

are human same sex friends ships dyienatmics the same as small gather hunter groups?

need help to foucs this but here is some reserch.




transforming a rape culture for the male group section they got in there i know they talk about male dyanmics.

personlity test

Your type is: ENTP

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

(the html was broken)

i tried to do the big five but it didnt work ill do it later. i remeamber reading about them how they wanted to make a tags for people to be easier to market to.it was an idea i dont think they are doing it yet,but it would be crazy.

so this is ok i mean i feel like it is very broad statement of me. i notice that i needed help to do this test it is lie you need some one else to help you evaulte your self bcuase i would confuse what i hope am with what i really am, so it helped to ask some one to see how if this was me and work it out to get to the closes to what i really am.

i think issiah berlin made this i dea about foxs and hairs oor hedge hogs? i think hedge hogs how the foxs move from one subject to another and a hedge hog will stay on one idea for a while. this shows like how isshiah would say i'm fox like with the Enthusiastic interest in everything, which i agree i think it sucks to be labled the science guy r histoy guy when i go on likeyear long ends in one subject like one time it wasavvaion and next physics and women studiesand tons of things so i agree with this but i think it is funny to have a test tell me this. i wonder if poeple woould pay others to evulate them i think thats a problem maybe it is not. well i mean to have to have someone else know you better than you happens but to not have poeple around you be able to tell you that you are these things is sucky. i think to have poeple around they can help you better your self in what ever you are aiming for. if i wanted to be a better mom i could ask some one like my mom and she would blah blah and blah. i think these test are like where you are now and ofthen it would help to have your friends be able to compelent you like this with out it being werid considered sexual or inform you in better words of your faults with out it being mean.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

first thought s

Human realshion ships

this is hard. There is a lot to this and it is increaile to tryo to some up all of them. I want to be general and broad my best to help me really fit all of this concept in here. So I want to adress with realshionships is that I think it is hard to have the same realshionship ethier compared to some one elses. For exsample my mom and alis mom. They are both parnets but I feel me and ali's realshionship with our moms is different. I think that we are borh aimign at the same mom and child role but both people are so different. My mom is short , hispanic and had no father grew up with 7 brothers and sisters with a single mom and has been working since she was 14, lived in new york her whole life. Ali jo' mom jody lived in menphise is kinda tall did modleing her dad died as well. She is french canadian and moved to new york 25 years ago. I feel that it is hard to say realshionships are like this or that when every one has really different experiacnes in the same realshionship frame. My mom and alis mom are every different people and we get different realshionships with the same role. What I can say though is that we are aiming at the is the what should a mom do and what should a child should do. This should* that I keep saying the the pictuer that both my mom and her mom have is our idea of a parnet and child realshionship. But even that is different I think my moms idea of a mother and ali jos mom is very different so how can I judge realshionships like this when even the idea that we ar eaiming for is different too? Maybe the foundations of realshions ships not how do they work but what makes them work.

I have been watching star trek next generations they have this thing called a holodeck wher they program a sitation ( like in a 1930s gang war or some castle in euorope) and you act it out or hang out there and the idea sounds like a lot of funbut I feel like people work our realshionships the same way. There is a differnce it is you cant pick the situation it kjust happens so human realshions are like a broken holodeck then. And where when you wind up in king athurs round table you have to be who ever they call you to be you are them if you dont every thing falls apart and you get chased away by land sharks. So we try our best to keep this scean alive and make our selves fit best to what ever is going on around us and if we dislike it we can either turn it off , for some others we are stuck in and cant do any thign about. I hope to do more this is a lot to handle.


The fist topic I wanted to study in school was how it destorys the curpoisity in student and most poepel involed. I wanted to show how it destryed that aspect in thosands and thosands of people, how it takes such a long time. The more I looked in to this I found some thing just as scary. Not that have a basic cogintive trait destoryed is not scary (a trait that many of speacies of bugs have,) I thought this was s systome of a much larger problem. The problem was aouthity structuers in schools. How it cueroisty is banished and desrtsted to surive for attment to stay mentally healthy as possible. Or maybe the way the struture of school is created no one has the time to persure there own curiousitsy. My idea is that schools bring people to become better indoricatied in a athotity strutcure so they can be used by the other higher in athourity as resources to expand there ecomomic power .

My idea is that schools are the mouth of the athouerity systeam. If we where to look at aouerty as a digeistive systeam I think school is the mouth to soften people up fro the furher brain smahshing that will achore later. I find it wierid that if I told a bunch of popeoel to sit in a room for 45 mins or maybe an hour of no talking or communaction of any kind unless I deem it nessary. that woiuld be crazy for me to belive and for them to do this let alone consecitly for 6 hours. But it fine for a school to do this why? I belive it is beuase we all eel they have that aohtyerty so this instiution has the right and the reason to keep you in all day. Why?? is it because this instoruio is linked to other? Why cant I says on a resume I spent 45 mins a day growing or talking to my mother ( who si preobly more in touch or should be more in thocuh with what I need to know in order to sureive with this situations around me.) hell or reading comics books I mean I think of me doing trig or finding x as usefull in my life as knowing the green latern chant. Why is this done I think to peroccuipe the poepel so school could slowly break them down and while they are doing that students will be preoccipide with porperganda only what the instituion wants them to know. Such as hot the only way to be successful is to make lots of green papers. That the world around you is made up of resources that you can expoilt and make even more money.

One thing school takes more than any thing I belive is time. Time is a big deal there a lot you can do with time. I went in to school not knowing any thing and came out not know a thing I feel helpless. I do not know how to pay for crap like heat or rent. Do I need a creait card what is there that I can use around me to eat. Is there a possible way for me to survie out side of this? Are there ways I could help out the place I live to make it more livable ,maybe put more fish back in the ocean ? Most schools I know of do not teach this or even have an answer.i think schools create us more helpless and we are more depentent on the ecomomny to feed us , the auothority to save us all of it to control us. School is one part of a whole that is trying to use humans as resources .

So I hope to convaye that that school in all of it indocritanions and brain smashing is trying to make people are supitible to become resources to help expand the systeams ecomonic power.