Monday, April 26, 2010


listening to every one it is funny that there's is a sought of understanding that this sucks but it is OK! from Ms. D and Fanning I felt they where different but similar in most of there options. i feel like i was expecting to much from them. i was expecting an explanation or some ideas about the industrialization of school. what i felt was that they where fine with it and to them it made sense. compared to every one else i talked to this is opposite of what my mother , brother, friends, other family, aqquaintance and other school teachers. why is it that they had a good feeling about institutionalized schooling? i mean Mr. Fanning said that a perfect eduction is a never ending one , this is great but his perspective of education was werid he felt it had to do with instuitions and degrees. i wonder wha he would feel about home schooling or unschooling? he relly seems to feel that a good edcuation is one in a building that will give you a paper sayign you did it. also does he want poeple to constanly go to school even when they are old? i think school is not a place of learning but of reshaping and i have learned more out side of school than i have inside. what bothers me too is when some one said some thing abut child based curiousty learning he said " when poepel say why cant we learn what we want i always say you know abuot mtv and music videos you wouldnt be learning any thing." i mean this was offenseive in some ways but i can understand in his point of view why he woulod say that. offienve becuase i dont atch mtv i really know notihng about it. i have and had curioistys about things that could easyly have been classes like physics, poilticl philosy , evoulstioary psycology ,japanese history , american history ,social science , biblcal histlory ,avataion , germen history, rennisace artiture , feminsim ,film making and on and on and on. there is no mtv or any real bull shit that he thoght i would like to learn about. and i feel he was belitting me and peers off of some obsumtion he had. did you know kevin likes astro physics? i mean i was talkign to him about white holes and how black holes work and alot i do not remeber it all but he was curious about it. i think is sucks that mr fanning assumes so much with out knowing so much. i feel that eveyr one has there own curiosty that may stem form other things in there lives. maybe if kevin had some way to feed this he might get in to history of astromy ,particle physics hell i mean who really knows he will never be expoased or given the time to expose him self to some thign he likes and is constuctive. so the point of all this was to show how instistiosn really destory the curtios some one has and it never goes any where it just sits.
another thing i want to address is the how i can understand why he would feel that. all he is reciving is poeple failing and wanting to watch mtv more than the stuff he wants them to do. so it is fusting but to assume so little from a large group of poeple is think is pushing it really i wonder why does he like his job if so many are so hopelesss? i wouldn't.

Monday, April 19, 2010

our movie 49

Where is the movie?? I feel like to do this would be to bull shit should I bull shit?

from what i can tell this movie is about a fall. if i had to make a picture of this it wold be a person falling off a cliff only to get caught by a net to then fall to their death. this is a different movie i think then any other super teacher movies. this was reverse roles and a sad ending it is good to be different and funny too. my part was to ask a question and to get the class to all agree with me. my part is not big but i think it worked. from what i can tell this movie it looks funny and that there is a lot of drama and internal conflict in it which is similar but different from other super teacher movies.

most super teacher movies are different that it is more expertanla dn teacher helping. also the idea of hope is always present and never leaves. it seems that in all these other movies teacher play the guardian angels to the student but now it is like the students are a team of angles sent to save the teacher. reminds me of the angles who went to save Lots from the destruction of Sodom where the angles came down saved him and his family only for his wife to turn t salt and he to have sex with his daughters . so this is similar to the movie because there is a save but it ultimately cost a lot and the you can argue even if it worked.

Monday, April 12, 2010

treatment for movie

well i need a point were will we be going with this. if the point is to show how bad school is and how it is point less. we could begin with on the street unductral and have a grown up chater homeless out of luck bakeing almost mercyfull in the sun not caring maybe do a flash back or some thing and go to him at school whe he was younger (maybe have an adudlt looking person then transition to him in school looking at some grades that are really good *the point should be that school is notthe only thing you need to be ecomoicly sucessfull in this cultureand how the school systeam is based around complete crap.also how school being in here doesnt teach you any thing you need in this place.* any ways this kid is looking at grades pan out and maybe they sick smile and this kid who is not even look at his card but is playing with blocks and this runs up to him and knockes them over (showing he is mean and useing the frueden knocking down his penis and destroyuing his power but taking down th power of his tower of blocks) kids are in high school but poeple think this kid obseesed with blocks is dumb.this person *(not sure on gender)* walks poud and shows off and asked poeple what they got knowing they did bad maybe since we have a time frame they could beat some one or really exgrate t˙em being bad and mean like hitting poepel with chairs and make really show that they are in charge and have the power. then we can go to how they keep the power makeing fun of poeple and such and kissing the teachers ass.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ideas fpr the movie.

i dont want it ti be serious. i feel those movie that have our buget fall apart and tend to turn in to a pardory with out meaning to be. i would like a pardy that is fun werid and teachs some thign about schooling. i dont know what i would want the messages to be. maybe constructions of power in class and maybe we should have the kids break it or go with it as a pardory. maybe we could make sense of what kids should learn in school maybe like the perfect school what kids should learn in school. i hope that it is fun and i think if we have to find out all the people in it do all the classes make a movie as a grade or each class and when and how should we film. maybe we could have a story with a teacher who changes there act every day i mean like they come in liek some millataryr person and soon trun in to some one wearing short shorts and is haveing fun. i think we need to clear out the mission and the charter of the teacher. if we make a pardory i think we need focus becasue we would go all over the place. maybe there should be some big conflict like the murder in red shoes maybe some thing liek that to focus on but nothting serious. i hope this works it seems like alot of fun.

knowing your rights

reading this book was ofcorse simple and easy to read which it needs to be i think so that any one could read it. what i found funny was how comlpeteated it can be some times simple but taht only if some thing really bad. i thought that it is still more a systeam desighed to have aboidance rather then learning. i would think some thing about learning would b in the rights like a student has the right to learn what they want or to choose some thing else if they give good reason why the state learning wasnt good. but in an envorment of control and it's only ponit is not clear in the rights i ofent ask so what the point of the rights to give an illsuhtion of rights or of some power when really there is none unless they break some culture barrier then every one gets in to your shit.i mean reading this i notice that alot of rights are broken by teachers parnets and almost many authoerty fiughers it would be nice if this was thought to kids when they where younger insteas of the bull shit pilgrimes i thnk this is more imporntatn and some times these rights can help btu ti is hard to make them work for you when they where ment to not really work for you. also why havent i known about my rights till my last semster in public school? this si a problem and this can connect to my idea theiss thing which is kinda like why and how does school destory curiousty? is it the idea of powerlessness that is given at schools taht make people feel like they dont matter? looking at the rights it is still almost backwards that they dont make a big change in schooling or make the experice for the student any better. it is like little nip pickiing i felt that doesnt change any thing. i feel liek poeple go thourhg so muchtrouble to make these rights so that student would have a more comforble learning expericene ( i hope that what they wanted) i thnk instead of makeing it morecomforble why not just take out what is there that is still uncomforble. i went thorugh a sitution like this when i was in elemeary school i sat by the garbage can and it smelled bad so i held my nose or tryed not to breath in the stank. then i was trying my best to get comforble as possible with it but it was still crappy so i just moved the garbage can to the another part of the room. i think these rights are like us covering our noes and trying to inoroger the problme when we know the problem i think we can just get rid of what is not working or makeing us suffer.